
Sunday 17 May 2020

You're Not to Blame

Not to Blame

By Rosemary Clark

If they put their hand upon your knee
It isn't you
If they go where none should see
It isn't you
A lover's feelings are not there, in their hard touch they do not care, when you need help they're never there
It isn't you
When they say they love you best of all
It isn't you
If you believe you're bound to fall..
It isn't you
Things like this just shouldn't be, it's their ego don't you see that's no life for you or me
It isn't you.

Copyright Rosemary Clark


  1. Another thought provoking, deep, sentiment. Well written.


  2. A very deep poem Rosemary and I like the structure.
    You don't fail to amaze. Excellent!
