
Friday 15 May 2020

First Steps

First Steps

By Rob Kingston

Pages keep turning
                     first forward then back
Attempting to decipher
                     the power He now lacks
Challenged by the attention, 
                     amazed by the help
Encouraged each day
                     to face the life He’s been dealt

Making a difference 
                     with each tiny step
Attacking the challenges 
                     through tears blood and sweat 
Keeping the faith 
                     when feeling quite low
Encouraging others
                     To conquer this grief He’s come to know 
Recognising life's strengths   
                     Upon reaching each goal

Copyright Rob Kingston


  1. Hi Rob,I have been trying to decipher the message with this spells out "pace maker" not sure from there. It would appear to follow early childhood then,perhaps, adult life but in the second part you use "with each tiny step so am a bit confused
    can you help me out?

    1. Hi Peter, thank you for your interest. The poem appeared in a book compiled by the family of a young policeman whose neck was broken in a rugby tackle. It came following a call for submissions from Shirley, at the poetry group. At the time I was not aware it related to my nephew's best friend.

    2. Thanks Rob, makes complete sense now.
