
Showing posts with label Margaret Potter. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Margaret Potter. Show all posts

Wednesday 8 June 2022




By Margaret Potter

The Jubilee parade was looming.

The Queen was taking part.

Her fancy hat was waiting.

It was a piece of art.


She’d piled it high with cherries

red and round and bright.

She’d piled it high with plums

It looked a splendid sight.


If only she had a banana

to complete the fruity look.

She sent the King a message.

Please help.  Please go and look.


The Banana shop was empty.

The manager quite dismayed.

He sent the King to the factory

where fruit was stored that day.


The building was enormous.

The King felt quite in awe.

But beneath the giant structure

was a table laid up for four.


A dormouse held a teapot

it looked rather large in his hands.

Sitting patiently waiting

was a monkey dressed so grand.


The King sat at the table.

His crown falling over one eye.

He told the present company

the Queen’s request and why.


The monkey stood to attention.

He swept off his splendid hat.

There on his head was a banana

yellow, carved and fat.


The King handed him a medal.

The dormouse served the tea.

The monkey presented the banana

and the King clapped his hands with glee.


The Queen was on the balcony

she really was distraught.

Below the band was playing.

The parade about to start.


Suddenly the King appeared

banana held up high.

He plonked it on the Queen’s hat

as the parade was passing by.


Hurrah, the subjects shouted.

Hurrah for our stylish Queen.

She waved and smiled from the balcony

a spectacle to be seen.


Copyright Margaret Potter