
Wednesday 13 May 2020



By Jane Scoggins

Love is all around us for the NHS and all the key workers on the Coronavirus front-line.

One and all, we are in this pandemic together, clapping each Thursday to show our support.

Caring to keep in touch by phone and Zoom when we cannot be together in person.

Kissing the computer screen to say goodnight to a precious grandchild.

Daring to believe that the deadly Covid-19 will soon be banished, exterminated.

Out in the garden breathing clean air, identifying sweet birdsong not heard, or noticed before.

Wanting to believe that we will come out of this better people and with a stronger community spirit.

Never wanting to take anything for granted again, reflecting on the sadness of the thousands lost.


Locked indoors with nothing to do but worry.

Only a short walk every day, coping with the stress of staying two metres away from other humans.

Cannot get our heads around the fear of how many are dying from the Coronavirus on a daily basis.

Killing time, no work to go to and running out of jobs to do at home, desperate to keep sane.

Depression creeping in, and the overhanging anxiety of developing a high temperature or cough.

Only the basics, the world is closing down. Jobs lost, the economy crumbling, debt rising.

Why hadn’t we done more with our lives before this, painfully conscious of life’s fragility.

No pubs or restaurants open, shops closed. No weddings, birthday parties, or family celebrations.

Copyright Jane Scoggins


  1. Nice to see something from you, such heartfelt sentiments. Just notices your vertical messages. Clever and well written.

  2. An "echo acrostic" and we all echo these sentiments too.
    Nice to hear from you and trust you are keeping well and safe despite the frustration this invisible virus causes.

  3. So, this is an echo acrostic.
    Hopefully we will soon have much to write about on the subject of 'Unlock'.
