
Saturday 2 May 2020

The Christmas Party.

The Christmas Party.

By Sis Unsworth

The Christmas party I recall, way back through the years,
 Started with a knees-up, laughter, and some tears,
It was early Christmas eve that the family did arrive,
There was Mary Joe and Uncle Sid, who came with his mate Clive,
My cousins all in Sunday best stood around the Christmas tree,
Then sang by the piano, the beer it did run free.
We children played our Christmas games, the adults all drank more, 
No one noticed uncle Joe had passed out on the floor,
Then Sid's mate Clive and Mary were gone for quite a while,
They came back sometime later, Clive had a sheepish smile.
Uncle Joe still on the floor knew nothing of the talk,
ln fact we all avoided him, as we did the Lambeth Walk.
To our delight at 9 o'clock we saw that it was snowing,
The adults took no stock of this as the beer was still flowing,
The snow had settled all around when it was time for bed,
We children noticed footprints leading to the shed.
Clive and Auntie Mary were nowhere to been seen,
And old drunken Uncle Joe had turned a shade of green.
No one thought it strange, as far as I remember,
When Mary had a baby the following September,
But what I couldn't understand, and never could derive,
How a baby that was uncle Joe's, looked just like Sid's mate Clive.

Copyright Sis Unsworth


  1. Hilarious Sis, so naive, so childlike, well done!

  2. I remember those Christmas's,I was born in september and always wondered why my dad gave me funny looks. Great laugh, well done

  3. Ha ha, enjoyed this one sis. Good one.

  4. Very funny, laughed out loud.
