
Showing posts with label The Riddler. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Riddler. Show all posts

Sunday 13 October 2024

Riddles 19

 Riddles 19


By the Riddler


The Riddler has two puzzles for us today:


No 1.  What flies when it’s born, lies when it’s alive, & runs when it’s dead?


No 2.  Who makes moves when seated?


Keep em coming Riddler


Thursday 29 August 2024

Riddles 18

 Riddles 18

By the Riddler


The Riddler has two puzzles for us today:


No 1.  Which hand is best for stirring sugar into a cup of tea?


No 2. Feed me, give me life!   Give me a drink and I will die…  What am I?


Keep em coming Riddler


Monday 19 August 2024

Riddles 17

 Riddles 17


By the Riddler

The Riddler has two puzzles for us today:


No 1.  Though not alive I have five fingers; what am I?


No 2.  Which word is written INCORRECTLY in the Dictionary?   


Keep em coming Riddler


Saturday 17 August 2024

Riddles 16

 Riddles 16

By the Riddler


The Riddler has two puzzles for us today:


No 1.  One in a minute, two in a moment, but never in a thousand years!  What?


No 2.  What tyre doesn’t move when a car turns right?   


Keep em coming Riddler

Wednesday 3 April 2024

Riddles 15

 Riddles 15 

By the Riddler

The Riddler Has two puzzles for us today:


No 1.  I have a Key & a Lock.  A Space but no room.   You can Enter, but you cannot go outside! 

What am I? 

No 2.  I shine bright at night but disappear at dawn.                                                                     

What am I? 

Keep em coming Riddler


Sunday 17 March 2024

Riddles 14

 Riddles 14


By the Riddler


The Riddler say's are you any good at arithmetic?  He has two puzzles for us today:


No 1.  2(10+16/2x8) = ? answer is:



No 2.  What shape comes next ?:


Keep em coming Riddler


Saturday 2 March 2024

Riddles 13

 Riddles 13


By the Riddler

The Riddler is wondering, how good you are at arithmetic?  He has two puzzles for us today:


No 1.  12/3x4+1 = ?  answer is ~ (0.8, 2, 17, 20, ?)


No 2.  4/x +x = 5  What is the value of x?   


Keep em coming Riddler

Sunday 11 February 2024

Riddles 12

 Riddles 12

By the Riddler

The Riddler has two puzzles for us today:

No 1.   Hanging from the side of a tied-up boat is a rope ladder.

The ladder is 10 feet long with the final rung on the surface of the water.

The rungs are 1 foot apart.

The tide rises by 6 inches an hour.

How long will it take 3 rungs of the ladder to be covered?


No 2.    3, 3, 5, 4, 4, 3, 5, 5, 4, (What comes next ?)


Keep em coming Riddler


Tuesday 9 January 2024

Riddles 11

 Riddles 11


By the Riddler

The Riddler has only one puzzle for us today:


    You are captured by a sadistic terrorist group that loves playing mind games with their victims.

You are told:


a)           You will enter a Unit with two rooms in the first there are three switches, A B C.


b)           In the second room there are three light bulbs, 1  2  3.


c)           You can enter each room only once!  If you re-enter either you will be blown to bits.


d)           The door locks as you enter, but there is an exit pad at the door ~ 1  2  3.  The correct exit code is dependent on which switch is connected to which light bulb.


e)           So, how do you discover the code?


f)             You have only 30 minutes to enter ABC ~ BCA ~ CAB ~ CBA ~ BAC ~ ACB.

.  And exit the Unit safely.


g)           Warning!  A wrong guess will result in your death…


h)           So how do you work out the correct code?


Have Fun!  


Keep em coming Riddler


Friday 5 January 2024

Riddles 10

 Riddles 10


By the Riddler


The Riddler has two puzzles for us today:


No 1.   TWT ~ FSS ~ MTW ~ ??? 


No 2.   A man goes into a lift, presses 5th floor & walks up to the 6th floor.  Going down he calls the lift to the 6th floor.  Why doesn’t he press for 6th floor on his way up?


Keep em coming Riddler


Tuesday 19 December 2023

Riddles 09

Riddles 09


By the Riddler


The Riddler has two puzzles for us today:


No 1. Multiply all the numbers on you phone.  What is the total?  


No 2.  3 1 2 8 ? 5 2 ?  What Number is missing?


                                                                                                         Keep em coming Riddler 

Thursday 23 November 2023

Riddles 08

 Riddles 08


By the Riddler


The Riddler has two puzzles for us today:


No 1. This can make you younger!  


No 2. Two men come to a river bank.  Both want to cross but there is only one boat and it can only carry one person.  Neither can swim and there are no ropes or bridges, so how can they both cross?


Keep em coming Riddler


Saturday 11 November 2023

Riddles 07

 Riddles 07

By the Riddler


The Riddler has two puzzles for us today:

No 1. What is taken before you can get it?  


No 2.  You enter a room.  Two dogs, four horses, one giraffe and a duck are lying on the bed.  Pigeons are flying over a chair. 

How many legs are on the floor?   


Keep em coming Riddler


Monday 30 October 2023

Riddles 06

 Halloween 1920

Have you ever thought how it was celebrated in earlier years?

Pre: WWI,  WWII, before the Korean conflict?  Before covid... 

Well, the Riddler knows...

A man describes his daughters saying:

They are all blond but two, all brunette but two.  
they are all redheads but two...

How many daughters does he have?

The Riddler

Saturday 28 October 2023

Riddles 05

 Riddles 05 

By the Riddler


The Riddler has two puzzles for us today:


No 1.  A Plane crashes off the coast of Bermuda.  Every single person died, yet there were two survivors.  How could that happen?


No 2.   What 5-letter word becomes shorter when two letters are added? What is that word?


Keep em coming Riddler

Monday 23 October 2023

Riddles 04

 Riddles 04


Two more from the Riddler



A bus driver goes the wrong way down a one way street.

he passes 2 cops but they don't stop him why?



 Turn me on my side I am everything, cut me in half I am nothing

What am I?


You aint seen nothing yet!  The Riddler


Thursday 19 October 2023

Riddles 03

 Riddles 03

The Riddler

No 1.  I sound like one letter but I'm written with three.

I show you things when you look through me.

What am I?


No 2.  In a clothing store in Rowayton USA

socks cost 25 dollars,

a vest cost 20 dollars

a blouse cost 30 dollars

a tie cost 15 dollars

with this method, how much does underwear cost?


Bring it on Riddler


Monday 16 October 2023

Riddles 02

 Riddles 02

The Riddler

Two more puzzles today ~ 2:


No1 sometimes I'm hot sometimes I'm cold  I can run and I can be still.

I can be soft and I can be hard what am I?


No 2 George, Helen and Steve are drinking coffee.

Bert Karen and Dave are drinking coke.

What is Elizabeth drinking?


Answers to Len, so that everybody gets a chance to be clever…


Keep em coming Riddler

Friday 13 October 2023

Riddles 01

 Riddles 01

By the Riddler


Settle down now RLWG2020...  The Riddler says he has two puzzles for us today:


No 1 what word is pronounced the same if you take away 4 of its 5 letters?


No 2  Five sisters are all busy. Ann is reading a book, Rose is cooking, Katy is playing chess, and Mary is doing the laundry, What is the 5th sister doing?



Riddler says he will feed us a couple each day.


Keep em coming Riddler

Monday 25 October 2021

How did he know?

 How did he know?

The Riddler

Three prisoners are condemned to death.  The Prison Warden explains that as a cruel joke he will allow one to go free… The remaining two will be executed. 

The Warden produces three black and two white discs.  He fastens one to each of their backs, there are two discs remaining.

(For your benefit alone, I will reveal that he is left with one black & one white disc.)

Each prisoner can see the discs on the backs of his fellow prisoners.

The Warden tells them: the first man to leave the compound and correctly identify the disc on his back will go free, while the other two will be executed.

They are allowed to speak to each other and ask questions but nothing said can be trusted…  Yet one man left the compound and correctly named his disk.