
Friday 29 May 2020

The Wall

The Wall

by Shelley Miller

That notorious wall
That people drink against,
And do their drugs against,
And sometimes lean against
To catch their breath.
Where lovers cry against,
And say goodbye against,
And contemplate against
Mere life and death.
That notorious wall
That people kick against,
Fall to their knees against,
And carve their names against
Just to be known.
Where shadows frown against,
And rain beats down against,
And where no blade of grass,
has ever grown.
That notorious wall
They break their hearts against,
And fall apart against,
And no one stays against
For very long.
Where some debate against
And wait for fate against,
And hope for better things
To come along.

Copyright Shelley Miller


  1. This flows so well. I love the rhythm of it. Had a lightning flash of images as I read it Great.

  2. Yea, nice lilting rhythm, good imagination, nice piece of work, thanks for sharing it.

  3. Brilliant!!! Love the rhythm and powerful message relayed using a metaphor for life.Very clever and quite emotional reminding us of all the ups and downs we face throughout our lives. Worthy of a competition entry Shelley.

  4. I liked the rhythm, and a nice message conveyed. Regards Sujata

  5. A powerful piece with a lovely lyrical flow. Poignant moments in a lifetime - I am a fan of your poetry Shelley but keep coming back to this one, it’s a gem!
