
Showing posts with label Barefoot Medic. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Barefoot Medic. Show all posts

Monday 27 November 2023

Think On

 Think On


Sometime when you’re feeling important,

sometime when your ego’s in bloom,

sometime when you take it for granted,

your the best qualified man in the room.

Sometime when you feel that you're going,

would leave an unfillable hole,

just follow this simple instruction,

and see how it humbles your soul.

Take a bucket and fill it with water,

put your hands in up to your wrists.

pull them out - and the hole that remains

is a measure of how much you’ll be missed.

You may splash all you please when you enter

you may stir up the water galore

but stop, and you’ll find in a minute

That it looks just the same as before.

The moral of this is quite simple,

Just do the best that you can.

Be proud of yourself but remember-

there is no indispensable man.!!

I told My boss, on his retirement, that he would really be missed.  He smiled and handed me the above poem.  We never found out who penned it, but it is a truism…


Monday 25 September 2023

Personal Wellbeing 23

 Night Cramps

 Barefoot Medic

Painful cramps in the upper or lower leg.

More common with age, women are more susceptible than men.


There are many causes:

Overuse or underuse of the muscle.

Sitting for long periods.

Standing or working on hard floors for long periods.

Certain medications can cause cramps; Diuretics for one.


Flat feet.


Narrowing of arteries (Arterial Sclerosis).


There is no known cure, but cramps may be alleviated by stretching the cramped muscle(s), straightening the leg while pointing your foot towards you & away from you alternately, and corkscrewing it from side to side; one or all of these may help.

Other suggestions are:

Drink 6 glasses of water daily (or equivalent Tea/Coffee/Juice)

Loosen bedclothes around your legs.

Wear properly fitted footwear (comfort before Fashion).

Vitamin E Supplement. (just passing a suggestion by others)

Vitamin B Complex.      (just passing a suggestion by others)


Salt may be a much-maligned substance, but I find a little salt in my diet is helpful…

Your suggestions in the comments would be gratefully received!

(If all else fails or if it persists, consult your doctor...)

Saturday 17 September 2022

Personal Wellbeing ~ 22

 Daily Body Maintenance Routine (for 60+)

 The Barefoot Medic

I’m not a smart arse!  I just know that because I exercise each organ, muscle, & sinew daily my health will be as good as it can be, at 77.  I’ve exercised this way daily since 2012 (10 years) and I'm confident that I will still be doing it at 90 (if I live that long).


It’s really not an arduous routine, my aim is to work as many muscles and organs as I can, daily. 

 The axiom is: 'If you don't use it you lose it!'  

If you wish to join me you will need to put aside ten minutes (10) daily; the time it takes to make and drink a cuppa…

Even better news, you don't have to do it all at once, you can spread it through the day.  It's like car maintenance, check that everything works, on a daily basis.  You only have one body, so look after it!

In addition, you will need to take the dog for a walk, daily.  Walking is an excellent form of exercise; leave the car at home!

"Never lay if you can sit!  Never sit if you can stand!  Never stand if you can walk!  Never walk if you can run!  But, do everything in moderation..."




 1:  I do 20 Faux push-ups resting my hands on the kitchen sink feet 2 feet away (you can do 10, or less of these) don’t over-exert!  This is not exercising as such, just body maintenance.  Some you can do some you cannot; do what you can…


 2:  Then 20 leg stretches hands on the kitchen sink bend at the knees then straighten (you can do 10, or less) don’t over-exert!


 3:  Then 20 arm raises (alternate arms); include 10 with clenched fists (do what you can)


 4:  Then 20 side arm stretches include 10 with clenched fists (dwycan).


 5:  Then 20 shoulder taps (bend arms to touch shoulders), 10 with clenched fists (dwycan)


 6:  Legs apart 10 alternate arms reach down to your knees stretching at the waist to either side (dwycan).


 7:  Feet together repeat 6: above.  Reach down to your knees, clenched fists, stretching your waist to alternate sides (dwycan).


 8:  Feet together, do tummy rolls 10 clockwise, then 10 the opposite way.


 9:  Bend your knees and place your hands on them and roll them 10 times clockwise, then 10 the opposite way.


10:  Then 10 times raise straight arms from your side, touching above your head, then down, finishing behind your back.


11:  Then 10 times roll arms slowly (forward butterfly stroke, straight elbows) 5 with clenched fists.


12:  Then 10 times roll arms slowly (reverse butterfly motion, straight elbows) 5 with clenched fists.


13:  Stand 18 inches from a wall, arms by your side, and bend slowly back at the waist until your head touches the wall (to a count of 10).


14:  Turn and place hands on the wall, bent elbows, your feet should remain in contact with the floor.  Shake your legs (thighs & calves) to a count of 10.


15:  10 times: Swivel at the waist whilst throwing arms from side to side in a swatting/punching motion.


16:  10 times: Swivel at the waist whilst punching your elbows behind you (side to side) at shoulder height alternately ~ left then right ~ with clenched fists.


17:  10 times: hands behind back (supporting) bend forward at waist 45 degrees or as near as possible straight knees (down~up, down~up).


18:  10 times: Legs 3ft apart, turn to face left, lean forward (weight over the left knee) bend & flex knee to the count.


19:  10 times: Legs 3ft apart, turn to face right, lean forward (weight over the right knee) bend & flex knee to the count.


20:  10 times: Feet apart twist upper body while slapping chest with one hand and lower back with the other simultaneously.


21:  10 times: feet together Repeat the above accentuating hip swivel.


22:  10 times: legs straight and 2 feet apart, stretching down towards left foot, then to the front, then right foot, then between your legs. Then repeat to (1 hippo~pota~mi, 2 hippopotami), up to… 10.  (you should not be trying to touch the ground or your toes) this is stretching your back, calves, and thigh muscles.


23:  Stand on your left leg, raise your right leg, and stretch your toes towards the floor to a count of 5.  Then toes to the ceiling to a 5 count. 


24:  Then twirl your foot clockwise to a count of 5. Then repeat counter clockwise to a count of 5.  Kick your raised leg to the side as high as you can then down. 


25:  (REPEAT) above standing on your right leg.  (Did I say you can use a hand for support?  Or, fix your eyes on a point called spotting?).


26:  Spine Stretch: Stand feet together, raise your hands above your head to count of 3, stretch up on tiptoes to a count of 7 then lower your arms to your side to a count of 10.

27:  (REPEAT)


28: 10 count slowly windmill arms to the front; in opposite directions clench fists 5.  (Deep Breath on each count ending with a sharp exhale of breath)


29:  (REPEAT) above in opposite direction.


30:  Same as above but fast inhale to a count of 5, then clench fists and exhale to a count of 5.


31:  (REPEAT) above in opposite direction.


32:  20 count: link hand in fireman’s grip, (like Charles Atlas) pull in opposite directions while raising hands above your head (to count 5) then slowly lower to the front (count 5), down to waist (count 5) back to chest (Count 5).


33:  20 count: hand together in praying position & push palms together, raise above your head (count 5) then slowly lower to the front (count 5), down to waist (count 5) back to chest (Count 5).


34:  10 count: link fingers and rock hands thumbs up, forward, and back.


35:  10 count: praying position raise arms so palms separate, then push fingertips together and push hands away from your body to the count.


36:  Flex left wrist down to a count of 5, then up to a count of five.


37:  Repeat the wrist flexes on your right hand.


38:  10 count: Hands by your side palms facing back, shake hands, and arms flapping at the wrists.


39:  10 count: Hands by your side palms facing your legs, shake hands and arms flapping at the wrist while raising them slowly to shoulder height then slowly lowering them).


40:  Legs together Hands on calves, nod head (x5), shake head (x5), role head clockwise (x5), role head counter clock (x5), rock head on shoulders L/R (x5), push the head back (x5).

(If doing this makes you feel giddy it may help if you close your eyes.)


41:  10 count: Hand above your head and shake them (Jazz Hands). 


42:  10 count: Hand above your head and wriggle your fingers fast.


That concludes your 10-minute body maintenance. It's taken considerably longer to write it all down so I can fully understand it.  But feel free to ask questions if you are unsure about any of the routines...

Live long & prosper…

 The Barefoot Medic


Thursday 19 May 2022

Personal Wellbeing ~ 21


The Barefoot Medic (needs your help)

I’ve stayed silent too long.  I’ve got false teeth. 


I need to use tooth glue (Polygrip) to keep my top plate in place.


So, the glue tends to make my mouth dry.  I have type 2 diabetes, so prefer not to suck sweets to bring moisture to my mouth.


In the past two years, I tried chewing gum, but it sticks to my top plate and can’t easily be removed. 


Then, “Salvation” I found that Wrigleys Spearmint Gum didn’t stick to my upper plate; problem solve!?  Not quite! 


Because I’ve increasingly found it hard to source WSG ~ even on the internet?!


Does anybody know why I can’t source Wrigleys spearmint gum, or have any idea why it isn’t available? 




Attach answers or send them to Len (Many thanks)

Friday 28 January 2022

Personal Wellbeing ~ 20

 Personal Wellbeing ~ 20 Heart attack - self CPR

By Barefoot Medic

Driving home at 7pm, tired and frustrated after a hard day.  You suddenly experience severe chest pains, radiating out into your arm and up into your jaw.

You’re about 5 miles from the nearest hospital and you don’t think you could make it that far.

You are trained in CPR but were not taught how to perform it on yourself:-

How to survive a heart attack

Most people will be alone when they suffer a heart attack.  When your heart is beating irregularly and you begin to feel faint, you probably have about ten seconds before losing consciousness. 

However, you can help yourself by repeatedly coughing vigorously while breathing deeply every two seconds until your heartbeat returns to normal; or until help arrives.



Deep breathing gets oxygen into your lungs, and coughing movements squeeze the heart to keep blood circulating, the effect is similar to CPR and helps the heart to regain its normal rhythm.  In this way, a heart attack victim can get to a hospital, and maximize their chance of survival.  

If you tell your friends it could save their lives. 

I have not tried it on myself so cannot say it is true.  But, if you are in that situation what have you got to lose?  

If you pass it on and it saves a life; you are a hero.  If it fails who will know?


Wednesday 8 December 2021

Personal Well-Being ~ 19

 Personal Well-Being ~ 19  Constipation

By Barefoot Medic 

There are numerous quaint and amusing old wives tales and remedies for curing minor/common ailments.

Constipation is a case in point.  One would have us believe chocolate works (excuse the pun).  It’s true there was a small bar of chocolate sold in the 1950s, specifically for the purpose, known as Xlax (brand name). It carried an effective medicated chocolate in small half-inch squares. 

Other suggestions that spring to mind are:


  • Going for a half-mile run.
  • Eating raw vegetables Celery, carrots, etc.
  • Fresh fruit, always favourite, Pineapple, grapes, oranges, plums.
  • Some swear by dried fruit ~ raisins, figs & prunes.


But, I have always found that eating an apple while drinking a cup of hot tea at the same time…  Works for me (excuse the pun).


None of the above are injurious so give them all a try

Wait long enough & you may GO anyway (not another pun…)

Saturday 4 December 2021

Personal Well-being ~ 18


  Personal Well-being ~ 18 Age, the new black?

By Barefoot Medic

A deep throbbing bone ache drags me from sleep.   I squeeze my hands alternately, massaging the sensitive muscle tissue. Smoothing out the tender flesh.   Dad would say I’ve got the screws.    In my youth, such pain would have made me cry out, and send me scurrying to the nearest doctor for surcease.   Now, it merely confirms that I’m still alive; I can go on for another day smiling and bearing up as if nothing is wrong.   But, nothing is wrong, it’s just old age.   In fact, it’s been my age for thirty-five years, more than half of my life.   I smile, recalling one of Dad’s old jokes:

Doctor, Doctor, I keep getting stabbing pains in my left arm.”

“It’s your age,” says the Doctor.

“But, my right arm is the same age and it’s never felt better!”

I don’t consult a Doctor anymore, no point, they never do anything to help.   You’ve got a Headache?   Take two Paracetamol/Avril.    Broken leg?    Take two paracetamol.   Broken heart…   I just cut out the middleman now and take the pills.

I’ve just collected my repeat prescription for blood pressure tablets, (one advantage of being over sixty in the UK is getting free medication each month), we just take a tablet and get on with living and complaining.    Irbesartan, what kind of a name is that for medication?   The names ought to reflect their use with a number and or letter to depict their family, and the release number, ‘Blood Pressure D175’, might be more appropriate.   Manic Depressive N06666, Cancer OMG099!   No, maybe I've got it wrong, maybe we shouldn’t know such things. 


They did it on food packaging, the boxes doubled in size, and so do the prices, or the price stay the same and the contents shrink from 500g to 425g:

Ingredients: Potato Starch, Maltodextrin, Hydrogenated Vegetable Oil, Salt, Colour (E150c), Flavourings (contains Celery, Soya, Wheat), Wheatflour, Flavour Enhancers (E621, E635), Emulsifier (E322) (Soya), Spice & Herb Extract.

   In case you’re wondering, on the other side of the drum it just say’s ‘Beef Gravy Granules’ (in 24 point text), with no mention of beef or chicken extract.  

Maybe the name should suffice, it did in the past.  In the British Army circa 1964 I remember eating tins of stewed beef with  WD>1945 stamped on them, I pointed it out to the cook.   “Yea we got a job lot at a special rate,” he said.  I wonder if they’ve run out yet? a friend tells me his grandson was eating out of the same WD>1945 cans in the first Iraq conflict.  I think the army is in more danger from field rations than from bullets.

The government has set up a watchdog committee, costing the taxpayer two million pounds a year ($4 million US, and shrinking), to check that we are not being poisoned.   I rely on the old tried and tested method, suck-it-an-see.   If it tastes alright, eat it.  

Have I become a cynic?   When everything you see and hear in the news leads you in that direction, it’s hard to refute; 2+2=4 yes?. 

 Have fun!

Tuesday 23 November 2021

Personal Well-Being ~ 17

Personal Well-Being ~ 17 Reiki Healing (Visualization)

By Barefoot Medic

Today my wife took an ITEC exam in Massage and came home with a classic tale of visualization.

In the past, I have told how I warmed my feet on cold nights in front of an imaginary coal fire and banished insomnia by visualizing a party down the street.

I know it works because I’ve employed it since my early teens. 

Fred, a Reiki Grand Master was also taking the exam.  When it was over, a fellow student complained of aching & creaky joints. 

Fred told her to close her eyes & visualize him with an imaginary oil can.

He gently manipulated each joint in her hands then said, ”I’m starting to pour oil into this joint, & this, & this…  He oiled both her hands then she opened her eyes and to her amazement, her pain was gone.

So, my wife told him about her tennis elbow and pointed to the spot.

“Here!” he said, and she felt a sharp pain radiating up and down her arm.  “Close your eyes and imagine I’m giving you an injection that will anesthetize it.  Now feel the needle prick.  It’s going in now, feel your elbow going numb?  I’m now slowly withdrawing the needle!  How does that feel?”

Amazingly all the pain had gone.

“The injection will last for up to 24 hours then you will have to give yourself a second injection.”

“Ten hours later she was still pain-free!”

Two up for visualization…


Thursday 11 November 2021

Personal Well-Being – 16

 Personal Well-Being – 16 The Little things 

By Barefoot Medic

It isn’t surprising that we are able to describe the people we are close to, in great detail.

Parents, brothers, sisters, wives, husbands, partners, children, friends can all be recognised by small physical attributes.  Their voice, their gait, hairstyle for instance, especially their mannerisms.  You can probably accurately predict how their thought processes would approach problem-solving. 

When you’re separated from a person for a period, you can recall their habits, quirks, and their methods of persuasion.  You know when they’re avoiding an issue or being frugal with the truth.  You even know when they are about to do something of which you wouldn’t approve. 

With the passage of time, you recall the texture of their skin, their little secret noises and sayings, their unique aroma, and how they would react in a given situation.  All these little things add up, and you can find yourself mentally conversing and discussing with that person; in the privacy of your own mind; at such times it seems that their physical presence is not required. 

When meeting a person after a prolonged period of absence, it can seem as if you’ve never been parted.  Often you can continue a conversation you had as if no time has elapsed. 

When they have gone, never to return, they still remain with us, frozen in time.

It’s the little things that bind us inextricably together…

Thursday 14 October 2021

Personal Well-Being ~ 15

 Personal Well-Being ~ 15 Nose Bleeds  

By the Barefoot Medic 

I’ve heard all the clever methods like swallowing ice, putting a key down your back, leaning over backwards.  But in my experience, there is only one effective way to stop a nose bleed (light or heavy).

Between the ages of 3 and 11, I suffered from sudden unexpected nosebleeds.  Initially, I had one a week.  The family doctor showed my parents how to stop them.  I of course couldn’t help but learn how to do it.

  1. Place your index fingers on either side of your nose.
  2. Run your fingers up and down until you find a slight indentation. 
  3. Press down and upwards in the direction of your eyes and you will feel a tingling sensation akin to hitting your funny bone.
  4. Press down firmly and Hold it; usually, the bleed will stop within 30 to 60 seconds. 
  5. It doesn’t matter how heavy the bleed is, it stops!

I found that after 5 minutes I could gently blow my nose and clear out the residue.  I had a bleed in 1964 and the last one in 1973.  Doctors never did discover the cause but, I’m told that children and the elderly are the most susceptible. 

I know it works on me.  But, if in doubt consult your physician

Monday 11 October 2021

Personal Well-Being ~ 14

 Personal Well-Being ~ 14 Respiratory Problems

By the Barefoot Medic.

There are dozens of respiratory ailments besetting us in the 2020s+.  Asthma, Bronchitis, Covid 19, are amongst them.  Breathing difficulties cause a lot of misery and millions of lost work hours each year.

The causes are said to be Air pollution, from cars and buses, chemical sprays, and central heating?

 Yes, you heard me right, central heating! 

It seems the humble dust mite is thriving, multiplying, and bringing misery to humans by the thousands.  It’s a war.  They are wreaking havoc with our sinuses, nasal passages & lungs.  How did it happen?

In the 1950s, 60s, and 70s central heating was rare, our rooms were cold throughout most of the winter.  Now they are permanently heated providing the dust mites, our minuscule companions, with the perfect environment in which to thrive and multiply. 

We need to have good ventilation to flush out our lungs, the efficient evacuation of air, and its regular replacement is necessary for health, it's called breathing!  Deep breathing exercises are one answer to the problem; if you remember to do them on a regular basis.

 A good and painless way to accomplish this daily is to sing at the top of your lungs. Impractical you say?  With a voice like yours?  Ah but I’ve thought of that. 

Get into your car, wind down the window, turn on the radio, take a deep breath and sing along.  You’ll be singing your way to health…

Try it before knocking it!

Thursday 23 September 2021

Personal Well-being ~ 13

A Sweet Tooth

By the Barefoot Medic

Have you ever noticed that young people show a marked affinity for sweet things?  "Mmm".

As we grow older our tastes do change and become more discriminating, or more likely we just get set in our ways.  Or, do our tastes simply change in line with our needs? 

“Each according to his/her needs?” 

Indulge me a moment…  Do you occasionally have urges/cravings for things you would not normally eat or drink?

It’s a well know fact, (so I’m told), that expectant mothers experience wild cravings in the middle of the night, for things that would normally seem revolting to them! 

When the body is undergoing radical changes, new building materials may be required; do you suppose the body has an awareness in addition to that of the brain, a mind of its own?  Could it be that unaccountable urges, cravings and dreams are the outward manifestations of the body attempt to communicate its needs to the conscious mind?

“Hormones are defined as chemical messengers.” 

At ‘THAT’ time of the month, a woman may get ‘Cranky’!  It’s her hormones you may say - excusing her tantrums, mental/physical attacks on your person.  This is of course the upper extreme.  No two people are built the same though, I've known quite a few cranky men; take me for instance.

Is it possible that hormones have even more subtle effects on us than currently supposed?

Radical life changes may bring on similar effects.

For example a couch potato of 10 years standing, suddenly taking up physical exercise, could possibly bring on a craving for sweet things…

Conversely, if you suddenly start craving ‘Pilchards in tomato sauce’ & pickled onions/eggs, should you be seeking changes in your life?  Are you pregnant?

Family break-ups, retirement, bereavement, stress, a lottery win.

Would a change in diet help you deal with those?

How could we test such a theory?

Maybe seek out people undergoing unexpected life changes.

Get them to identify any activity changes resulting (if any).

Analyse the chemical content of the dietary changes resulting…

Could a pill be created to provide the missing components?  Then when other people are undergoing similar life changes we could administer that pill…  No this is getting silly… Or, is it?

Comments will be Welcome:

Tuesday 13 July 2021

Personal Well-being ~12

Personal Well-being ~12 Sterile Fluid & Cough Suppression      By The Barefoot Medic 

I once read in a Survival pamphlet that if you are in need of a sterile liquid to clean a wound before applying a dressing.  At a pinch, there is no better, readily available, fluid than your own urine.  I later read the same thing in an SAS survival manual.  Have to confess I haven’t yet tried it myself but this corroboration gives me the confidence to try it when the need arises.


I was hoping my writing group would provide me with some tried and tested remedies of their own, but so far nothing…

As a child, I was told that honey & lemon was the preferred remedy for a persistent cough.  But, late one night, my dad replaced the lemon with vinegar, & honey with sugar.  I found this was actually more effective:

I put a teaspoonful of sugar in a glass, pour on a tablespoon full of vinegar and stir in two to three tablespoonfuls of hot water to taste; to stop the glass from cracking leave a spoon in the glass to leech off the heat.  Place it by your bedside and sip-it when you start to cough.  It’s important to sip it (not drink it).  But, it most definitely works…

                  As always you try it at your own risk, but it works for me.



Thursday 17 June 2021

Personal Well-being: 11


Personal Well-being: Sunburn Remedy

By Barefoot Medic

 We are in the summer season, ice cream, seaside swimming, sunburn…  Yes!  You come out of the water, your factor 20 has all washed off, and so you have to reapply the lotion.  I dread to think of the cost.

 I spent two years in Cyprus whilst in the Forces, man it was hot in 64~65!  I tried to spend as much time indoors as I could but even so had to do some external work, I spent a lot on sun cream.

 My friend, a pale-skinned, ginger-haired, Scott in the ‘Army Postal Service’, was out in all weathers and never seemed to suffer from the heat; unlike the rest of us.  One day he watched me rub suntan lotion on:

“What're ye doin man!  That stuff’s a waste o good beer money.”

“So what d’you suggest Jock?”

He pulled out a small bottle of what looked like milk.  “Try some o this,” he said. 

I opened it and sniffed, “smell like coconuts” I said.

“Aye, So it shood, it’s coconut oil, use it before and after goin oot an yell ne'er get sunburn agen…  Keep it, mon, I got plenny more, I buy it by the pint!”

Well, I kept it and use it to this day, & I never get sunburn. 

And, there’s an added bonus. It tells you when it needs to be applied:

  In hot weather it’s liquid ~ if it’s cooler it becomes a mushy paste ~When it’s cold it’s solid.  Apply at any time to calm itchy skin. You only have to apply it once, it soaks in, and it doesn’t need to be reapplied if you go for a swim…

It just another tried and trusted remedy I can heartily recommend from personal use over the last 55 years. 

As always you try it at your own risk, but it works for me.


Monday 10 May 2021

Personal Well-being: 10

  Personal Well-being: How to relax

By Barefoot Medic

When I feel tense, or get muscle cramps, I recall the teachings of the comedian Bernie Winters who said he learned how to relax by watching his St.Bernard Schnorbitz: 

The dog stretched long and slow, tensing every muscle even neck face & scalp.  Then he relaxed each muscle slowly so he could tell the difference between tense and relaxed.

Bernie said he would lay on his back, close his eyes, tense every muscle for up to a minute, then slowly relax them:

"Feet feet go to sleep."  He would feel his toes and feet relax further.

"Calves calves fall in halves."  After a time his calves would begin to relax.

"Thighs thighs go to bye-byes."  He would wait patiently until his thighs relaxed.

"Pelvis pelvis make like Elvis!" 

"Tummy tummy flat like mummy"

"Chest chest take a rest."

Hands, lower arms, upper arms, neck, face, and brain; he had a rhyme for each.  As he lay there a mist would swirl in his closed eyes and he would try to see through it. 
Breathe in deeply to a count of ten, then exhale until it would be uncomfortable to continue.  Repeat five times...

At this point I invariably fall asleep; if not I will roll over onto my left side in the recovery position and drop off to sleep in minutes.

 I find it particularly helpful when my mind keeps running over the events of a busy day; what went right, what went wrong, what should I have said/done!?  

After ten to fifteen minutes my mind is clear, it's easy just so long as you don't think of a pink rhinoceros with a beach ball 😖...


Sunday 25 April 2021

The DNA Factory: 09

 Homo-sapiens ~ DNA Factories

By Barefoot Medic

I recently listened to the book “A short history of nearly everything” by Bill Bryson.

Belatedly, on Disks 13 & 14 of 15, he turned everything on its head by suggesting that we are DNA factories.   I’m still coming to terms with his assertion that we exist to create DNA.   We are in the service of our genes, not the other way round!?   The reality of this chills me…

This puts all those sudden & unexplained cravings into perspective.   An extreme example would be the strange illogical cravings experienced by women during pregnancy.   The body is undergoing changes that require different building materials so, cram in the pickled onions, and swallow Vaseline by the jarful or whatever else your genes demand in order to create a new DNA factory.   


We didn’t invent DNA!  DNA was created at the dawn of time it is the same in humans as in insects & cabbages and has never varied since the creation of life.   DNA is not alive and yet all our energies seem to be concentrated on perpetuating its continued existence.

Monday 5 April 2021

Personal Well-being: 08

 Personal Well-being: 08 Music the mood changer.

   By Barefoot Medic

In my teens I recall being in buoyant mood one minute, only to be thrust into a sad melancholy mood the next, without any obvious cause.  Why?  I didn't realise then that it was a form of depression.

I recall times when depression hit me when all I wanted to do was curl up in the foetal position and sleep.  I learned at such times that music can be a powerful mood changer.

I play the guitar (badly) but know a few chords and can pick out or sing a tune that reflects that mood.  I learned that those sad songs could actually banish sadness.  So, Instead of falling asleep, I sing the blues and everything gets put into perspective.

The Germans have a word for it 'schadenfreude'; it means to delight in another person's misfortune.  Think of Charlie Chaplin, Norman Wisdom, and Mr Bean their failed antics caused uproarious laughter.  The worse their situation became the louder we laughed. 

The same is true of the blues singer, we listen to their sad tale and empathise with his/her plight and realise our condition is not so bad after all.  I find that singing sad words with feeling lightens my mood.  I can't say that singing happy tunes depresses me but why would I want them to?

Charlie Chaplin co-wrote a song that says it all (Smile):

Smile though your heart is aching

smile even though it's breaking

although a tear might be ever so near.

Just smile through your tears and sorrow

smile and maybe tomorrow

you'll find that life is still worthwhile

if you just smile.

I think that Charlie knew the secret of cheering people up.

Norman Wisdom wrote his signature tune (Don't laugh at me cause I'm a fool):

Don't laugh at me, cos I'm a fool.

I know it's true, that I'm a fool.

No one seems to care, I'd give the world to share

my life with someone who really loves me...

I see them all falling in love, but my luck star shines up above.

someday maybe, that star will shine on me.

Don't laugh at me, cos I'm a fool.

Norman also knew how to bring joy into the lives of others. 

If you are feeling down or depressed, sing or play a sad song and see how you react to it, what have you got to lose, (pills cost money), but 'schadenfreude'?


As always, you try my remedies at your own risk.  If in doubt consult a doctor.


Thursday 18 March 2021

Personal Well-being: 07


Personal Well-being: 07 Body Types

By Barefoot Medic

It pains me that so many people are obsessed with how they look.  Yes, you can improve your physique within the limits of your body type.

Body types do not in any way relate to good/bad health or personal well-being.

Understand, there are three distinct body types:

Ectomorph  (Slim).

Endomorph (Bodybuilder).

Mesomorph (Rotund).

I'm a mesomorph, as are the other members of my family to a greater or lesser extent.  One thing I know is that we will never be able to display a six-pack; that's a fact of life but bears no reference to our fitness level.

In my lifestyle, I believe we should do everything in moderation.  Excessive eating, drinking or exercise, are not conducive to good health. 

Put simply, common sense and moderation will always work in your favour.

Neither the ectomorph nor mesomorph will ever achieve the physique of an endomorph, so stop trying and be yourself.  

Just enjoy life in all its variety!


Wednesday 17 March 2021

Personal Well-being: 06


 Personal Well-being: 06 Exercise for the Overweight, Infirm & Aged.

  By Barefoot Medic

"If only I had paid more attention to my diet and watched my weight in earlier years, but now it's too late..." an obese lady in her 60's confided.

But, is it too late? Surely there are exercises we can do that would help? Pilates, yoga, Tai Chi, Dynamic tension?



Tai Chi:

Dynamic tension:

They are always demonstrated by fit healthy youngsters, but if we select what we can and cannot do comfortably from each regimen we can all improve our lives.

That, together with a balanced diet, eating less and daily deep breathing exercises to fully oxygenate our blood would result in rapid improvements physically and mentally.  A lot can be accomplished in bed and will help you sleep…

I recall a motivational mantra but not its origin which doesn't affect its relevance:

Never lay when you can sit.
Never sit when you can stand.
Never stand when you can walk.
Never walk when you can run.

No such thing as can't only won't!

Any activity is better than none. You don't need to spend on an expensive Gym membership, Walking, swimming, and gardening cost nothing. Initially exercise in moderation, and you'll be surprised how much better you will feel.