
Showing posts with label Grace Petersson. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Grace Petersson. Show all posts

Saturday 18 February 2023

Troy and Caroline ~ (an Essex Tale)


Troy and Caroline ~ (an Essex Tale)

By Grace Petersson

David Gordon Phipps never discussed his early life with anyone – not even his wife of twenty years.  He was brought up in central Southend in a terraced house with three sisters and working class parents.  Once he was twenty-one, he changed his name, taking the Gordon from his father and the Phipps from his mother.  Pretentious perhaps, but the name opened doors in the financial sector.

David had a fair education and would consider himself a self-made man, although as the only boy, he was afforded rights and privileges not deemed worthy of his three equally intelligent sisters.  If David wished for Oxbridge, the family made sure he got there. But David Gordon Phipps had a secret.  A secret that would decimate his family.

Stockbroker status was afforded to David. By age thirty he was skilled at playing the market.  His considered choice of a wife, Gloria brought up in Thorpe Bay;  a sincere and honest woman who loved David unconditionally.  The couple had just one child, Caroline, who at seventeen was studying for A levels at Southend Boys Sixth form college with an ambition to study at Harvard USA and serve as an environmental lawyer to challenge big corporates as they may endanger flora fauna in their clamour for money and power.

Gary Taylor was also brought up in a small terraced abode just a few streets from David Gordon Phipps although the two never met.  Gary loved and still adores motorbikes.  He started life as a bike mechanic and eventually bought his own shop before he was thirty.  Gary also had a good head for business and within ten years, the down to earth Gaz had seven shops around Essex; all doing excellently with reliable managers and contented staff.  Gary’s wife Marina became a fashion designer inspired by Zandra Rhodes and Vivienne Westwood.  Her creations featuring studs, spikes, and grungy leather jackets were hugely popular in Gary’s shops; elevating Gary and Marina to a rather embarrassing millionaire status given their ‘humble beginnings.’  The couple had a single offspring, Troy; his name was inspired by Marina’s love for Troy Tempest, captain of the submarined Stingray.  Troy was teased all through primary and high school by his mates who constantly reminded him he was named after a puppet.

Troy and Caroline were destined to meet as they were both passionate about saving the earth and studying in the USA; MIT and Harvard respectively.  They were also fated to cause chaos, uncertainty, and ultimately growth in their parents’ lives.  As children, Troy and Caroline knew of each other at Thorpdene Primary; particularly as Gary would bring Troy to school on the back of his Harley Davidson, causing all the kids, including Caroline to utter “wow” in envious union. 

Troy inherited his love of bikes from Gary, who revered Richard Abry, The Dark Knight, riding the Kursaal Wall of Death in the 1960s.  Once he was seventeen and had his licence, Troy’s parents gave him a Farsta Electric motorbike, which he rode to school each day.  He knew about the bad boy image associated with bikers, but didn’t care.  He was safe and always followed the rules.  Boom!  As soon as he laid eyes on Caroline at Southend Boys’ Sixth Form College, he was smitten.  As they conducted science experiments together, they laughed, had fun and made plans for their future together. 

But to Troy, Caroline was ‘posh.’  He had subconsciously picked up from Gary that posh people were snobs and up themselves.  But Caroline was not like this, taking after her mother, Gloria, who would help anyone.  However, Troy believed he would only be acceptable to David, and happy, when he got good exam results, had Caroline out of Rayleigh and off to the US, where they could both pursue their ambitions without David’s judgment.

Later, as Troy, Caroline, and her folks went to the Roslin hotel for afternoon tea, Troy knew immediately he was right;    As soon as Troy uttered the word motorbike, David Gordon Phipps (what kind of phoney name is that,  he thought), had a face like thunder and Troy knew he was whipped. The moment David and Gloria met Troy, Caroline sensed there would be trouble.  Yet she also knew he was anything but a bad boy.  To her, he was kind, respectful, polite and brilliant.

Then, just one week after the Roslin hotel debacle, Caroline’s world as she knew it fell to pieces.  Her mother picked up David from Rayleigh station as usual and as he entered the house in Great Wheatly’s, Caroline knew something was very wrong. 

“I’m so sorry, baby, Harvard just isn’t possible anymore.”  The words gushed out of David’s mouth and Caroline stopped breathing.  “What?” she softly said nonplussed.  “It’s all gone.  I’ve lost everything.”  David said, “The stock market took a bad turn and it’s all gone.”

“What do you mean?” Caroline frantically asked.  “You have lots of savings right?  You told me I could have Harvard.  All my life you told me and I believed you.”

“I’m so sorry Caroline” David now sobbed.  “I had to use it all to pay my debts and even then it wasn’t enough.  I’ve done so many bad things, bad decisions.  I even had to remortgage the house.”

Now Gloria joined the fray.  “David, are you telling me we don’t own the house anymore?”  He nodded at his wife not knowing what else to do.

All Caroline’s plans were torn asunder.  Hers and Troy’s dreams were shattered.  At school the following Monday, Caroline told Troy the ghastly news.  Trying to keep hold of herself she said,  “You go to MIT as planned, but I can’t come with you.  I’ll go to SEEVIC and see you in the holidays.

“No!” Troy shouted, “I thought your dad had pots of money from the way he talked.”  “Well” said Caroline, “That’s all it was, talk.”

At home, Troy told Gary and Marina the dreadful news.  I knew my parents were a bit skeptical about David’s claims of tons of money, but to their credit, they said nothing.

“It’s a big shame, but not a tragedy,” said Mum “But you can still go to MIT and maybe when Caroline’s dad gets himself sorted, she can join you.”

Feeling like screaming aloud, Troy shouted “You don’t understand Mum, David’s lost everything, literally”.  After a long minute, Gary and Marina looked at each other seeming to know what the other would say.

Gary cleared his throat before speaking, “I’d like to put an idea to you son.  I – we, he looked expectantly at his wife, would like to help you and Caroline financially.  Now before you start your tirade Troy, please listen to us.”

Through his frustration and angst, Troy paid attention without comment.

“What we’re proposing is a loan – not a handout – to fund Caroline’s Harvard fees and a flat for you both.  We’re assuming you two will live together, so in a way, the loan will help you as well, Troy.”

What about the “esteemed” David Gordon Phipps?” asked Troy sardonically.  “What’s he going to say?”

“Well” interjected Marina, “That why we insist it’s a loan.  David is honourable and proud of his ability to provide for his family.”

“That’s a joke.  If he’s so’ honourable’ he wouldn’t be a scumbag shark” derided Troy,

“Now, Troy”, said Marina,  Caroline would be aghast to hear you speak of David that way.”

“Well,” said Gary with a long sigh,  All we can do is try.”

With that, Gary invited David and Gloria to dinner the next night, knowing the registration date for Harvard was looming.

Once the quartet were seated with coffee and liqueurs, Gary put forward his proposal regarding the loan. 

“We can’t allow that,” puffed out David.  “I’ve promised Caroline I’ll get her to Harvard somehow, even if it’s next year.”

Now the usually reticent Gloria found her voice.  “David, darling, it could take years for us to have that kind of money again and I’ll be much less worried about Caroline if she’s living with Troy.”

“As Gary says, “she continued, “It’s a loan, not a gift."  David ran his palms over his balding head looking so dejected that even Gary felt sorry for him.

With that, Gloria asked Gary if she and David could have a word together, alone.  After thirty minutes, Caroline’s parents returned with David appearing less purple and apoplectic.

“I don’t know how to thank you, Gary and Marina for your kindness.”  David uttered quietly.

“Just say yes,” Gary simply replied.


Epilogue.    As predicted, Troy and Caroline were exemplary students, passing with honours.  Both sets of parents travelled to Massachusetts to see their children graduate and take up their new positions as environmental lawyer and space researcher.  The lovebirds paid off the loan within two years and now live in a beautiful condominium in Fremont, halfway between San Francisco and the NASA HQ in Silicone Valley.

Meanwhile, Gloria gained Qualified Teacher Status in two years; teaching English Literature at Southend High School for Girls.  David surprised her with his unstinting support; a changed man it would appear, as a result of his fall from grace.

David had always loved decorating their home as a means of escape from his pressurised London career, surprising everyone by renovating and decorating homes for a living.  His first commission was Marina and Gary’s sitting room, for which he took no fee.  Troy’s folks were delighted with the result.

Copyright Grace Petersson 

Sunday 12 February 2023

The Prince & Gemma

 The Prince & Gemma

By Grace Petersson


  Now after the craziness of movie tube, I am flat and again rudderless.  I have two beautiful children who are my whole life, and a stunning wife who wants nothing more now than to be the first Native American President of the USA.  So, now I am cast in the role of house husband and possibly first man.  Is this really what I want?


  I am Prince Thane of Scotland; second in line to the throne.  My brother Harald is first in line.  I am the surplus prince; the spare in case Harald goes AWOL.  My childhood was very entitled with the best private schools money could provide like Gordonstoun, an outdoorsy cold showers 'make a man out of you' type of school.  I am the outdoors type, I love nature, long walks, serving and defending my country.  I hate some of my mannerisms, which when I see clips of my father Malcolm are identical to him.

  However, in spite of all my privileges, my life was not all jollity and bliss.  Firstly, my parents, Malcolm and Marissa’s marriage was not the starry-eyed fairy tale predicted.  I sensed this particularly in my mother for as long as I knew her.  My father is Malcolm XIII.  He at first balked against the XIII numeral after his name, but eventually declared he would not be intimidated by superstition saying “I am the 13th Malcolm and therefore that is how I will be known.”  Adding to the doomed marriage was the fact that Malcolm was actually in love with another, Amelia.  They met as teenagers, fell wildly in love, and had much in common from a love of all things horsey to a love of the environment and classical music.  However, Amelia had ‘been around’ as they say, and therefore deemed wholly unsuitable.  I am glad about this because Marissa was tall and willowy, giving me and Harald our 6ft tall bodies, making us even more desirable to the world’s women.   My mother Marissa, beautiful and enigmatic, couldn’t care less about horses and the environment.  What made her heart sing was a new dress from Versace, dirty jokes and unfortunately for her, Malcolm.

  So in view of Amelia’s unsuitability, a virgin had to be found for Malcolm my father, and my mother Marissa, fit the role perfectly.  Just 19 years old, supposedly shy and biddable, she was deemed perfect.  Alas, Marissa was complex and unhappy as a result of her own mother being a ‘bolter.’  Malcolm was wholly unaware of this, blithely marrying Marissa at the insistence of his dictatorial controlling uncle, Hereward.


  My life as I knew it came to a shattering halt when Marissa my mother was shot by a Scandinavian sniper when visiting the Taj Mahal.  She sat looking at the famous majestic building, not knowing this was the last sight she would ever see.  I was 11 and Harald was 16.  Initially, we clung together for comfort and support.  We both knew Malcolm my dad would eventually marry Amelia and I had no problem with this.  He deserved to be happy.  Yet still, I felt angry enough to kill  the world for stealing away my mother. 

  I always felt somehow at odds with the rest of the family.  Also, I sensed Harald was my mother’s favourite and all my life have looked, unconsciously for someone to replace Marissa’s withdrawn love.  Also, I somehow felt more at ease with the marginalised members of society. 

  When I was 17 I hounded my dad for the opportunity to live for a while in the USA, attending Sitting Bull University, a prodigious Native American school, where I learnt much of the plight and tragic history of Native Americans.  Some students even took me home to meet their parents, where ironically I learned most of the real history of these tragic people and I kind of felt they had adopted me.  Even with the constant protection officers, I felt freer.  I believe the students at Sitting Bull were marginalised sort of like me and my mother.  It was here I first met Jemima; a beautiful descendant of the Chinook tribe from what is now called California.

   I was both entranced and mesmerised.  Not just by her obvious beauty, but her ideas, strength and firm beliefs about justice in the world and for her people.  We hung out in the same circles for a while, but I had to return to the UK to take up my pledge to the army, which up until then was the only role making any sense to me. 

   I just could not see myself following the steps of my dutiful brother Harald, the golden boy, who ironically looks like my mother, but is not challenging or confrontational.  I, to my extreme chagrin, resemble Malcolm, both in looks and mannerisms but with striking red hair.  Yet I am a rebel and yet not.  I dutifully joined the army and ‘fought’ in Afghanistan, albeit with several armed guards to make sure I wasn’t a PR coup for the Taliban.  These minders, poor sods, willingly risked their lives for me, whilst I felt I was in a gilded cage, with an opulent lifestyle, but with all eyes on me waiting for me to screw up.

  Screw up I did.  After I left the army, I felt rudderless and lost.  I had a few girlfriends, but they were ultimately scared off by the press intrusion.  Then I met Jemima again, and felt like I had my mother Marissa back.  She loves me and holds me up and I can’t imagine a life without her.  So if she wants congress and a political career, I have to support her if, I want to keep her.  What’s the alternative?  Run back to Scotland and be ridiculed as the bolter prince who couldn’t control his own wife?  Dear reader, what would you do?

Copyright Grace Petersson


Saturday 11 February 2023

A trip to the Pictures

 A trip to the Pictures

Grace Petersson

Hooray! A trip to the pictures

Let’s do Wednesday 2 for 1

What a lark we had


Aggie, there’s free biscuits and coffee!

A treat of Julia Roberts and George Clooney

Hooray! A trip to the pictures.


Look Betty There’s a raffle!

Even with me walking stick – no hassle

What a lark we had.


Do you think Julia Roberts is still pretty?

Um…. A few wrinkles.. such a pity

Hooray! A trip to the pictures


Well what about George Clooney

 Oh yes..he’s  still my cup of tea

What a lark we had


Aggie we can do it all again next week

What’s on Betty… let’s take a peek

Hooray! A trip to the pictures

What a lark we had


Copyright Grace Petersson



Tuesday 29 November 2022

A Fairy Story

 A Fairy Story

By Grace Petersson

She looked incredulously at the nurse before her.  “My name,” said the nurse in a softly spoken West Country accent “is Nurse Kingfisher, Victoria Kingfisher at your service.”  Nurse Kingfisher looked as if she had walked off a WW1 battlefield first aid station wearing a grey dress and cape, white cuffs and a white muslin cap.  “I can help you, dear,” said the smiling, rosy-cheeked matron.  But how thought Flora………

Flora always craved two things: to have a son and to be beautiful all her life.  She coveted beautiful women.  She envied them; wanted to be them.  Flora also wanted beautiful children, so she searched for the most drop dead gorgeous man and found all her most ardent desire in Christian Oboe.  Christian seemed the perfect man: handsome with chiselled jaw, wavy blonde hair, piercing blue eyes, sweet, kind and most of all he adored Flora with a passion.

So when Flora discovered herself pregnant soon after their marriage, she felt her life could not be more perfect.  The pregnancy went well; Flora looked after herself ensuring she was still irresistible to the attentive Christian who found her curvaceous body equally irresistible.

Flora and Christian had a son – the pinnacle of perfection.  They named him Rowan after Christian’s grandfather.  Rowan was a good quiet baby, who hardly ever cried and Flora’s body returned swiftly to its trim, sexy and enticing self.  She was comfortable in her beauty, her husband’s and that of her perfect son.

However, this perfect state came crashing down when Flora noticed Rowan was not progressing as quickly as her friend's children. 

“Johnny smiles at me all the time,” said Flora’s best friend Cara, of her adored offspring.  Rowan was not smiling at either Flora or Christian.  Slowly, after studying the signs of autism, Flora began to notice other signs of autism in Rowan: he rarely responded to her smiles or any facial expressions and would not look at toys or other objects even when Flora pointed to them.  Something was just not right, she knew and after many consultations, severe autism was finally diagnosed.

The first response of Christian, Flora’s husband was to deny any responsibility for the often inherited illness.  “It can’t be me!” he staunchly cried.  “No one in my family has ever had this condition, “it must be you he postulated”, pointing accusingly at Flora who was brokenhearted at the plight of her son and the cruel reaction of her husband.  She just desired to have her beauty, her stunning husband and her perfect son.  Now, none of that seemed possible.

Gradually as the months went by, Christian withdrew more and more from the family unit, until he finally, said he was leaving.  He had a new relationship with a beautician who he claimed made him happy and met all his needs.  Reluctantly and tearfully, Flora accepted the situation, taking Rowan for regular check-ups and talking to other mothers in the same situation. 

During one of these check-ups, Flora was so distraught and overcome by events that she fainted.  When she awoke in a ward, Flora found the nurse who called herself Nurse Kingfisher, looking at her sympathetically and offering hope.  Flora’s first cry was “What have you done with my baby!” 

“Don’t worry yourself dear, he is in good hands for a little while.”

“So how can you help me?” asked Flora.

“Well,” said the redoubtable Nurse Kingfisher, “You want your beauty, your handsome husband, and a perfect baby, is this not so?”

“Well yes,” replied Flora uncertainly,” but it’s not feasible is it?”

“Aha, that’s where you’re wrong, my dear.  I am your fairy godmother, and through me all things are possible.”

“What’s the catch?” asked Flora suspiciously.

“You just have to complete a few wee challenges and all your dreams will be yours,” said Nurse Kingfisher with a flutter of hands in the air.

“And what may they be,” asked Flora suspiciously?  “Will Rowan be safe?”

“Not only will he be safe, he would be made perfect in your eyes again and your pretty husband will be back in your arms and your home.  Isn’t that what you want?”

Flora thought about it and decided what the heck just ask the crazy lady what she would have to do.

“While looking after Rowan, you must train to be a professional nurse, choosing your specialism of working with children with autism in all areas and levels of the autistic spectrum until Rowan is ten years old.  You will have to ensure Rowan is looked after properly and appropriately whilst you study. You will have to utilise all the trusted contacts you can muster to achieve your goal.  Once you can prove to me that you understand fully the needs and challenges of an autistic child, your husband and Rowan will be returned to you perfect and good as new.”

Flora so desperately desired her beauty, her husband who loved her for her beauty and mostly for her son to be perfect; she was willing to try anything.

“However,” warned her fairy godmother, “if you should fail in your challenge, you will look like the wicked witch of the east in the Dorothy story and we all know what happened to her!”

So Flora, being so very proud of her appearance and the admiring glances she received from men everywhere, immediately found a suitable nursing course.  She asked friends and relatives to help care for Rowan as she studied.  Then she threw herself into the lives and needs of all autistic children she encountered, no matter where they were on the spectrum.  Amazingly, Flora discovered she loved the children, not in spite of their condition, but because of their so-called affliction.  She gradually realised how blessed she was to have Rowan, just as he was.  He actually was perfect she now knew.

As Rowan grew in confidence, poise, and beauty both inside and out, Flora discovered she loved and valued her son far more than her presumed beautiful appearance.

Eventually, Rowan reached his tenth birthday and Flora was a fully qualified nurse, working part-time and wholly happy in her situation, so much so, she forgot about the consequences of Nurse Kingfisher’s challenge.

One day as Flora walked in a field of bluebells with their son galloping through the azure blue blooms, Nurse Victoria Kingfisher appeared and said “Well done Flora, you have fulfilled the challenge and I am ready to return your handsome Christian to you and make Rowan just as you desired.  The fairy godmother was about to wave her magic wand, when Flora shouted “No, no!”  Rowan alarmed looked to his mother to ensure she was safe.

“No!” repeated Flora, “I don’t want my husband back, beautiful or not and I don’t want a hair on Rowan’s head to be changed.  I see now beauty is within and not just on the outside.  I know now I have been vain and shallow and could not see until just now that Rowan is perfect just as he is.”

“Well,” said Nurse Kingfisher with a little smile and a twinkle in her perceptive blue eyes, “My work appeared to be complete here.”  With that, she flew over the rainbow to save another soul in torment.

Copyright Grace Petersson

Friday 25 November 2022

All my life I have loved Sewing

 All my life I have loved Sewing 

By Grace Petersson 

As soon as I bought a sewing machine I knew I could make a dress.

Once I had chosen a perfect pattern I could plan the cutting out but oh I wish I had an overlocker.


Alas in the 1970s there was no overlocker

to possibly enhance my rubbishy sewing.

The main challenge was the cutting out

and a worthy reliable sewing machine.

Although I did have a tried and trusted pattern

To make a reasonably presentable dress,

oh but I cried what kind of fancy dress

could I possibly make without an overlocker?

Just study carefully all aspects of your pattern

always study well before beginning your sewing.

You now have an improved sewing machine

and sharp scissors for cutting out.


Most challenging though is the cutting out

to create a well-fitting dress.

Even with an unimpeachable sewing machine,

oh for goodness sake forget about the overlocker

just focus on your competent and clever sewing.

Following the exact instructions of the pattern.


What joy in the 2020s a perfect pattern

Although, still check your measurements before cutting out.

Jay, I just love this art of sewing.

Today I wear my cute and colourful dress;

would you believe it I now have an overlocker,

to compliment my trusty sewing machine.


To my shame, I am on model six sewing machine

and so different is my latest pattern.

Frustrating it is to thread the overlocker,

but there are now slicing wheels to aid the cutting out.

Online fabric shops are key to the incomparable dress

Youtube buddies embellish and enrich my experience of sewing.


Hear this though:  overlockers and sewing machines are equally useful.

But to do sewing of any kind one needs a pattern and the cutting out remains eternally crucial to the perfectly fitting dress.


Copyright Grace Petersson