
Showing posts with label Natalie Hudson. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Natalie Hudson. Show all posts

Monday 24 May 2021



By Natalie Hudson

How do you cope when your life falls apart,
When you feel like you're plummeting back to the start,
How do you feel when there's nowhere to go,
When you've come to the end of the life that you know,
Where do you go when there's nowhere to turn,
When the lessons life gives aren't ones you can learn,
How do you move on from anguish and pain,
And yet not allow it to happen again,
How do you change from the life that you had, 
To one that does not make you lonely or sad, 
How can you trust, let someone else near, 
How do you overcome the doubts and the fear, 
How do you get past deceit and lies, 
When so much went on in front of your eyes, 
How can you move on and trust again, 
When all you've experienced ended in pain. 

Copyright Natalie Hudson

Wednesday 12 May 2021

Ageing pt. 2.

 Ageing pt. 2.

By Natalie Hudson 
I look in the mirror
Is that a grey hair?
Oh no, it's a white one
Not much difference there
And wrinkles, a few now
Not deep, but a trace
Of time and experience
Etched on my face
It's getting much harder
To keep off the weight
So I have to be conscious
Of what's on my plate
I get out of bed 
Each day when I wake 
And all of my joints 
And my back start to ache
My bladder is not
What it used to be
I have to be quicker
When I need to wee
I can't drink as much 
As I guzzled before
The hangover lasts 
And my head hurts much more
But I feel more at ease
With the thoughts in my mind 
My morals, my ethics
I've not left behind 
So bring on the ageing 
Let's embrace the change
It's happening anyway
It's nothing too strange


Copyright Natalie Hudson

Sunday 18 April 2021

Killer Cretins

 Killer Cretins

By Natalie Hudson
The press call them covidiots
But they don't deserve a name
They should all start to accept the truth
And hang their heads in shame
This virus is a killer
It's been proven, it's a fact
They should pull their heads out of the sand
And learn to deal with that
They fail to socially distance 
They refuse to wear a mask 
It's not because they are exempt 
But people are scared to ask
This virus will infect
And it won't discriminate 
It doesn't care if you're rich or poor 
If you're kind or filled with hate 
This is no time for conspiracies 
To work out where it came from
It's a time for us to pull together 
And get this virus gone
Copyright Natalie Hudson


Sunday 13 December 2020

Pandemic Pause

 Pandemic Pause 

By Natalie Hudson
Sitting in my bedroom,
Feeling really bored,
Scrolling through websites,
For things I can't afford,
Listening to music,
Playing lots of games,
Monday turns to Sunday,
And everything's the same,
To save lives, they tell you,
You have to stay at home,
But what of all the people,
Who have to be alone? 
Yes, we know it must be done,
But it won't mean it's not hard,
Especially if you're in a flat,
No garden or a yard,
But stay at home we must,
And stay at home we will,
To stop ourselves from being at risk,
And not make others ill,
So when we've all been stuck indoors,
For however long this lasts,
It won't have been much fun,
And we won't have had a blast,
But we'll have done our level best,
And helped towards the cause,
Of keeping COVID-19 down,
By all staying indoors. 

Copyright Natalie Hudson 

Friday 11 December 2020



From Natalie Hudson
I look happy on the outside,
And mostly, that's enough,
But feeling it on the inside,
Is where it gets more tough,
I get up in the morning,
I try to raise a smile,
But really, on the inside,
I want to run a mile,
It takes all of my energy, 
To just get out of bed, 
I find it so much easier, 
To hide away instead, 
Quite frequently I just wish,
That I could disappear,
Climb into a bubble,
And hide from all I fear,
It really gets quite tricky,
To learn to love your brain,
When all it seems to serve you,
Is uncertainty and pain,
Why can't I just be normal,
And think like others do,
Have happy thoughts inside my mind,
And not feel so damn blue,
I really do feel stuck sometimes,
With thoughts that fill my mind,
So negative, so miserable,
And to myself unkind, 
I hope this poem helps people, 
To start to understand, 
That although a smile is on my face, 
My mind is not so grand, 
I really wish this poem, 
Had a positive refrain, 
But I'm afraid that's not the case, 
With what's inside my brain. 


                                                                                   Copyright Natalie Hudson