
Thursday 21 May 2020

Supporting the NHS

Supporting the NHS

by Rosemary Clarke

I haven't got a hankie
And I've got a cold
I'm feeling rather shivery
And very, very old.
The fact that I am seventeen
Just doesn't mean a thing
All are concentrating
On this Cronovirus thing.
I can't phone up the doctor
Just like I always do,
My mum says I just can't do that...
I think I'm getting flu.
I feel so ruddy awful
I've got to keep on trying
To stay inside while others fight...
I really think I'm dying!
I need to go to hospital
Mum says 'don't make a fuss
It's only what you always get, just think of more than us!'
Mum's dosing me with cold cures
I'm chatting on my phone
It isn't really all that bad
To snuggle up at home.
My cold not really serious
As long as I keep warm,
And that allows the NHS
To keep us all from harm.
Copyright Rosemary Clarke


  1. Well done Rosemary another good poem

  2. I like the way you progress from the specific (ME) to the general (thinking of others ~ NHS)
    Well thought out and, it's well written.
