
Showing posts with label June Druce. Show all posts
Showing posts with label June Druce. Show all posts

Thursday 17 March 2022



By June Druce

I have written about all kinds of things

Even about a snail and his house

I have written about a frog on his lily-pad

I have put pen to paper about a mouse.

And now I am going to write about my poo, no less

A special poo, to be exact

It must be special because the doctors have saved it

And sent it to a lab to get data and fact.

They think it is clostridium difficuli

What a name to give a poo

I bet he never thought when he appeared

He would be named, what a posh name too.

I feel sorry for all the other poos

They just get washed away

My clostridium difficuli poo

Will be remembered to this very day.

So, to all the poos, that go down the pan

Your brief entrance was for a short while

But my one will go down in history

I am so proud, it makes me smile.


June Druce 16 March 2022

Saturday 29 August 2020



By June Druce

God works in a mysterious way
I Often wonder why?
He lends life it seems for such a short while
Why do babies die?

Why do people suffer so?
Why are they blind and maimed?
I’m sure some time, somewhere, someplace
It will all be explained.

Why can’t animals stay in the fields?
We don’t need meat to survive.
Why kill the whale he’s gentle enough
Oh man please leave them alive

Why beat the seal till he’s breathing no more
For women so greedy and vain
Do they need a fur coat round their shoulders for warmth
For their vanity they bring only pain.

Why kill the birds for their Cordon Bleu meals
And newly born calves sold as veal
Do they really like frogs legs, cruelly obtained
Do they really enjoy such a meal?

Why kill the elephant majestic and proud
The deer so gentle and shy
Do they need snakeskin bags and shoes of real hide?
Why let those animals die

Plastic & wool, & various things, we can use to keep ourselves warm
There’s food all around, better for health, without causing innocents harm
Why are there wars & men filled with hate,
why is there greed in their heart.

Why black & white can’t get on, when they’re all one in his sight?
Why do Muslims & Jews, Catholics & Protestants, fight?
Why the good die young and the evil grow old I’ll never understand
But, God in his wisdom has reason I know, the world is in his hands.

Copyright June Druce

Saturday 15 August 2020



By June Druce

I sat there mid the suns warm rays,
absorbed in natures finest gifts.
Autumn leaves adorn the earth,
and floated into rainbow drifts.
Silhouetted through the trees,
sunbeams dancing in her hair.
She stood upon the rustic bridge,
swaying in the morning air.

Aphrodite swathed in white,
cherubic arms clasped her soft body.
And barefoot, she came towards me floatingly.
She smiled; her warm red lips moving.

She spoke; her voice was soft as snow
I’ve waited so long for you to come.
Evading me wither I must go,
She held my hand as we walked.

Through rustling paths,
she looked deep into my eyes.
So sweet and yet so hauntingly sad,
So young and innocent, so very wise.

I felt her lips so warm on mine,
Her tears just like the dew.
Remember me, my heart is yours,
I have to stay beside you.

I oft sit there in that lonely glade,
I know she’ll come, my own cellmate
My hair is white, my days ill spent
she is the mistress of my fate.

Copyright June Druce