
Sunday 24 May 2020

Childhoods End

Childhoods End

By Len Morgan

I see the morning sun break, through bleak and stormy skies,
and I realise its over, tears clouding my eyes.

I remember all I’ve lost together with it's passing;
seems so long since I was standing on that beach and laughing.

I knew true happiness then mindless to the passing season
until it was gone and I stood alone, shocked without a reason.

All is gone, or so it seems, for yesterdays never return.
Memories stir, though second-hand, they fan the senses that yearn.

Autumn falls, with it the leaves, the air grows cold and lonely.
Salt spray freezes on the pier the beach is littered and stony.

But, summer days will come again; once more my feet will wander
down to the beach, neath cloudless skies, and round its pools meander.

Summer doesn’t disappear
it hibernates until next year

with bucket and spade, we’ll dig the sand,
devour ice cream, and watch the band.

If at these thoughts your mind runs wild
I guess you’ve remembered once you were a child

I still look back with joy but sadness
To days gone forever but never the less

I feel wistful unashamed, and I often pretend,
that I’d never experienced childhoods end.

Little Lennie Morgan


  1. Sweet and wistful poem. You haven't changed much, Len.

  2. Very cute, the photo that is. The poem is very good, a nice switch and rhyming couplets (not too forced) Wander and meander, that's outrageous, but it works. Well done mate. A minor issue (and I am guilty of this too) there are a few words that can be deleted whilst adding to the overall "tightness" of the reading.

    1. Which are? Come on Pete help me out here...

    2. There are 3 words all from the 5 short stanzas near the end
      1st only 3rd once 4th forever. Hope that makes sense.
