
Wednesday 13 May 2020

The Garden we want

The Garden we want

by Rosemary Clarke

We think of life as being ours,
being neat and tidy and everything in its' place,
but life is wild, a wilderness,
a place where we try to cut the grass
and trim the hedge and usually succeed...
until our lives are torn apart
and the wilderness takes over.
Perhaps we should stop trying
to cut down the wilderness and instead grow with it,
helping each other and understanding
until we all have the garden we want.

Copyright Rosemary Clarke


  1. Very philosophical, heading for Utopia? we can but try.
    Well written Rosemary, a budding philosopher.

  2. Very thoughtful. People's gardens often reflect their personality, usually their need for an ordered world. A good analogy for the troubles that sometimes assail us.
