
Tuesday 7 April 2020

What is Sex~Appeal?


By Len Morgan

I thanked the bus driver and headed straight for the hole in the wall; cash is king!
I had an hour to kill, so I went to my favourite cafe for a second breakfast.  There she was, the lovely Catya.  My favourite waitress always a smile and a warm welcome, full of joie de vivre. 

"Good morning meester Appelbee," she placed a full sugar bowl on my table and a hot strong mug of black coffee.  My eyes briefly engaged with hers as she placed a clean ashtray on my table, and a shock of electricity ran down my spine. 
"The usual please Catya, eggs, bacon, tomatoes, two sausages, and a thick slice of fried bread; good healthy food."
"I get for you..."  Off she went, tall, blonde and beautiful, I breathed in deeply, conscious of her lingering musk.

She was all the more beguiling for being totally oblivious to her sexuality and its universal effect on the opposite sex.  I looked around the near full cafe and noted the eyes that followed her lithe form as she traversed the floor, like a model on a catwalk, smiling to all, collecting empty plates while exchanging pleasantries to either side never missing a step.  The cafe was always full, while further up the high street similar eateries had few or no customers at this time of day.

 Her father, the proprietor, followed her every step as she delivered my breakfast with elan.  His twinkling proprietary eyes informed me that he was very well aware of his daughters sex-appeal and thus her drawing power and what it meant to his bank balance.

In the past, I had offered to marry her and whisk her away to a life of luxury. "You are really special, you could be a film star, a model, or a high-class wh..."
"You say these things to all the girls Mr Appelbee," she chided.
"Seriously, what does your boyfriend think?"
"I haff no boyfriend, Papa does not approve of any of the boys I know..."

I'll bet, I thought.

"Then marry me and spend all my money."
"Is very tempting Mr A," she said with a devilish twinkle in her eye, "but you are 85.  You might not last very long, and Papa values your custom."

"Tell me if you change your mind.  I can wait, I have all the time in the world."

She smiled and blew me a kiss over her shoulder, as she headed towards two animated young male customers with wide lustful eyes...

© Copyright Len Morgan


  1. Very good! I easily pictured the scene and think there should be a part 2. Is there a real Catya in a nearby cafe that you dine in?

  2. Excellent - nice little story, Len.
