
Wednesday 29 April 2020

Visions of childhood

Visions of childhood 

By Sis Unsworth

Those childhood days, experiences we had so long ago,
Like the sea, with summer tides they ebb and flow.
The celebration, such a joy, a rare and welcome feast,
When we heard the happy news that told us we had peace.
The end of all the bombing, and the nights of fear,
No more wailing sirens for all of us to hear.
Austerity and rationing with us still did stay,
But blackouts went and in the street, we all did safely play.
The first day I went to school I really felt so grand,
But did hang on so tightly to my mother’s hand.
One happy thought I now recall and always will remember,
They let us have a day off school, the following November
The young princess Elizabeth, her prince she then did wed,
We listened on the wireless as she made her solemn pledge,
We had no television to watch the wedding scene,
And see this girl get married, who one day would be our queen.
Then I recall one day in class, the headmistress did arrive,
To tell us the sad news, that our king George had died.
United in respect and grief, we all joined as one nation,
And later faced the future, to plan a coronation.
Some of these memories are still so fresh today,
All can still inspire me, in their own and special way.
But one is much more vivid, and always can recall,
When we broke up for summer, and six weeks off from school.

Copyright Sis Unsworth


  1. Sis, your slip is showing! I don't remember any of that, but I did watch the coronation on a 12" Ferguson TV. But, I would never have remembered that if I hadn't read your reminiscences. Thank you for that...

  2. If only the young could read your words and take step back in time. Lovely poem as usual sis.
    Too young to know of war sirens, though I do remember the flood sirens in my part of east London and wondered back then if they were thesame onesthat sounded further air raids.

  3. Unfortunately I remember all that too especially the summer hols playing on the bomb sites.Also the coronation because we were given a pencil case and threepenny bit to commemorate the occasion
    I wrote a poem about that, will have to dig it out.Good one Sis

  4. Lovely poem Sis. I used to climb through gaps in the wire fence on the other side of Custom House station and play over the air raid shelters along Victoria Dock Road 40 years ago. Your poem brought back that memory...I enjoyed kiss chase in the school play ground more though.
