
Saturday 4 April 2020

A No.19 Bus ride Poem

The Bus Drivers farewell!?

by Sis Unsworth
It started without any warning
And it nearly mounted the kerb,
On the No.19 bus that day
The passengers all lost their nerve.

Will somebody please stop the Driver?
A man from upstairs then did plea
But the bus turned around, they left Rayleigh town
and headed straight down to old Leigh.

Whatever is wrong with the Driver?
A voice from the back did complain,
We’ve circled the weir for the third time
And now we are going again.

Please take me home an old lady did cry
And the passengers all tried to flee.
But the bus left the weir, he changed into gear,
and went back on the road to old Leigh.

The old lady then started shaking
and a girl in the front she did shout
for goodness sake stop for a moment
and please let us passengers out.

It is my last day, said the Driver
And look I can just see the sun
I’m retiring today, then I’ll be on my way
but first, let us all have some fun

The Driver turned on some music
and then he started to sing.
Then one by one they began to hum
eventually, they all joined in.

Why can’t we go down to the seaside?
One lady said, licking her lips.
If you’re going that way let’s make it a day
And all stop and have fish and chips.

They smelt the sea breeze from the estuary
and noticed the tide had come in.
The man from upstairs caught them all unawares
suggesting they went for a swim.

They sat on the beach in the sunlight
watched seagulls fly overhead.
They had fish and chips, and went for sea dips,
before they went home to their beds.

The Driver retired and was happy,
the memory so fresh will remain.
Now one day every year
they meet for a beer,
and do it all over again.

 © Copywright Sis Unsworth


  1. Hi Sis, I have to say that this is my favourite poem ever. Just hope I did it justice with my typing. You read it at our group meeting Feb 19.
    I went through that recording line by line, write, pause, write, etc. Reading it again I still find it funny and uplifting. Just what the current circumstances require!

  2. Hello sis, a lovely uplifting poem and great that they all meet up yearly. Take care.
