
Tuesday 14 April 2020

Poem (for man)

A Life Of Toil (for man)

By Peter Woodgate

Is there such a thing as freedom?
For Man
and has there ever been
since time began?
For we are all held, prisoners
by the clocks we build
that track our forced progression
on this earth, that’s filled
With mankind’s coerced labour
on each orbit around the sun
and, according to the experts
this has only just begun.
The adamantine fate
bestowed on every man,
ticks endlessly around the face
that illuminates this span.
It measures what has gone before
and what is yet to come,
for most, it will appear too brief
yet shorter still for some.
Even then within these terms
We have our daily tasks,
this drudgery when will it end
One asks.
I spoke to Him the other day
discussing details of this strife,
Amazingly, He sympathised,
then blamed it on my Wife.      

© Copyright Peter Woodgate


  1. More likely you wife blamed it on you Woodie. Well crafted and clever. I like it!

  2. Love your poem and the light hearted ending, will read it again tomorrow.

  3. An enjoyable read Peter. Made better with your voice in mind.
