
Saturday 18 April 2020

Should we let Bullies win?

Do we let Bullies win?

by Rosemary Clarke

Disease has spread across this plane
but for some lives, it’s just the same
No playground, then Facebook will do
To send the taunts, that undo you
that shred and hurt and cut and tear
And they're not bothered They don't care
It gives them all a sense of power
To rip you apart hour by hour.
And hours go on for days and days
and bullies are with us always.
When this disease has come and gone
will we still let this linger on?
Or will we start to feel, to care,
for EVERYONE who is out there.
Will we then start to make a stand
making England a better land?

Copyright Rosemary Clarke


  1. A good moral tale.Lets hope it comes true post virus.

  2. We can only hope Rosemary, and hope we will!

  3. You have a knack for putting your finger on problems of the day, finally found a picture of you, the only one in B&W. If you have a better one please send it to me.

  4. Enjoyed your poem. Bullying should be taken more seriously by schools and parents should be given more powers to defend their children against it. The child that bullies also need help to understand why they bully and why it should stop and know there are consequences.
