
Tuesday 21 April 2020

Flash Coming Home & Poem Advice


by Rosemary Clarke

It'll be good to be back; I wonder if they've missed me, I know I've missed them.  The old faces won't be there probably but they come and go and I'll be tucked up all nice and cosy in my bed tonight; wonder if I'll get my old room?

It's no good with these people, they live in a different world, different time; it's a puzzle even to get a cuppa outa  one of them machines, I know I could ask but they don't really wanna help an old boy like me do they?  Nah, I like the quiet, a nice stroll dahn the pier with the band playing - my missus she was a one for that, with all her bulk she'd glide across that floor like a ship in full sail and the mirrors...all got smashed, smashed up now, all of it.  We used to play pranks when I was a lad, scrumping and 'knockdown ginger' but not now, now it's nasty - like another planet to me now.
There was room for private enterprise then, lots of little firms, now everything's big; you still got a few, but big outfits are taking over and if a small one wants to survive it has to be big to keep up, stands to reason.

What got me in first time was being up a pole, some of that wire was copper you know anyhow, old dear's TV packed up, right state she was in, up road to phone electric cause everything went.  Would've bin dahn a bit sharpish but me trousers got hooked, can't take 'em off so I had to stay there.  Anyway with Electric feller came the rozzers so I was up a bleedin' gum tree; saw me with the coil of wire and the clippers in me pocket and that was that, first time!

There's bonuses; no tax, no bills, no worrying 'bout rent, grub on time every day...lovely!
We're driving up now to the gates of Chelmsford nick; as I said, there's no place like home.

Copyright Rosemary Clarke


by Rosemary Clarke

Cut the Red Tape
Let's be friends
This is how to make amends
Cut the cold efficiency
Understand it's you and me
Join together help us out
This is what we should all shout
Stop the fighting and the blame
Try and see we're all the same
Stop confusion truth be told
Then more of us will grow old
Instead of cut off in our prime
Cut the Red Tape

Copyright Rosemary Clarke


  1. Well done on 'Advice' It had a good flow to it, well rhymed. I take it this was written in response to present pandemic. It made me think of recent Ministerial briefings when some of the answers were economical with the truth.

  2. Well crafted story & your poem is thought provoking. Nice one (two?).

  3. Well written Rosemary, keep them coming.
