
Monday 27 April 2020

Ode to a Crow

                          Ode to a Crow

                                   By Dawn Van Win

Oh Mr Crow
We thank you so
‘Tho much maligned 

(which is unkind)

Once souls move on
To life anew
You flutter down
And take your due

Recycling discarded shells
                              You keep life’s cycle
                              Turning well


  1. Loved your ode to the crow Dawn. What crow lover wouldn't. Such entertaining birds, full of mischief.
    Look forward to reading more from you.

  2. Hi Dawn, another little beauty.Looks understated but reveals much within a few words.I love the construction of the poem and the coupling of maligned and unkind,inspired.Trying to be helpful I would add one letter and subtract one letter to give you a perfect end-rhyme.Line third from bottom,"Recycling a discarded shell.looking at the third stanza and because you use recycle and cycle,you may think about changing cycle to circuit.I am sure you are aware these are not criticisms, purely advice.Trust you and family are well and safe regards Peter.

  3. Lovely poem. I'm a fan of our feathered friends so enjoyed it all the more.

  4. Liked the crow - words and drawing. Peter's suggestions worth considering. Gather enough of these together, particularly on a rural theme, you could have an illustrated book.
