
Tuesday 21 April 2020



 By Peter Woodgate

A tiny thing I cannot see
yet it could be the death of me.
It enters through the mouth or nose
even the eyes and goodness knows
where else the little mite may go,
invading us and it will show
up, as a cough, headache or sneeze
and then gets carried by the breeze
Infecting Tom and Dick and Harry
who in turn will unknowingly carry
the off-spring of this amazing thing,
an enzyme surrounded by a ring
of fat, protecting it on its way
around the world leaving dismay.
It’s found a way, apparently,
of docking onto our cells you see,
like a rocket onto a station in space
where we thought mankind had won the race.
This object has no brain, they say,
it doesn’t live, not in the way
we know, so how can it do all this?
In ignorance, no doubt in bliss,
confounding brains around the world
and vaccines yet to be unfurled,
this lifeless, brainless, invisible cell,
rising from the depths of Hell,
achieves all this with consummate ease
whilst our leaders do not please
all those workers known “as key”
are failed, alas, no PPE.  

Copyright Peter Woodgate


  1. Well written Peter, you haven't lost it!

  2. Excellent. This deserves to be published.

  3. Agree with Richard Peter. This one is a keeper.

  4. Learned more from this than I have from the scientists!

  5. Great poem, enjoyed it more than once.
