
Monday 20 April 2020

Visiting the Lark

28. Visiting the Lark

By Robert Kingston

A cuckoo sings its first spring voice
The cider maker cracks his cork on this year’s choice
English apples presented from pre years press
Picked and selected to impress
Bottled and ready for drinkers wide and far
Vision distorting with every jar
From orchards up and down the land
Drinkers search the best in town
Scrumpy be the drinker's rot
Weak-willed should try it not

A test once tasted of a brewers fare
An enjoyment discovered but just take care
For once you have passed the halfway mark
You’ll soon be singing and dancing with the larks

Copyright Robert Kingston 29.10.14


  1. Nice poem, enjoyed it!

  2. Liked the larks. Bring back the scrumpy, can't wait!

  3. So a poem from 2014, you have been hiding your light. Had plenty of those experiences down the west country. Don't think I've ever recovered. Good one.
