
Monday 13 July 2020

Lose the game within win the game without

The game within the game

By Len Morgan

 "My name is Erik Weisz. There are marks out there by the thousand, they swarm like flies around rotting meat, only too willing and eager to be divested of their funds!  Who am I to deny them?
 Any scam I devise will attract suckers who part with money willingly, eagerly.  Yes, there are gullible takers for every scam.  At times, I have to fight them off like flies, so I pick and choose who to fleece by the cut of their jib.  Give em a sniff of easy money, and a glib tale from a sharp-witted cove, like myself and they're hooked.

 I know it's been said before but, there's only one type of person you can't con, and that's an honest man.  Fortunately, the honest man is one in a thousand.  I've met a few in my time but, I could count them on the fingers of one hand, (they can play havoc with a well-devised scheme)."
"Interesting, and you're telling me this, why?"
"Because my friend, you appear to be that rare breed, an honest man.  I could no more scam you than beat you at a game of chess.  Why I notice you have a board and chessmen to hand."
"If you wish to play a game to wile away the time, I am your man. but I warn you that scheming will not avail you for I am no pushover."
"I like a man who is confident in his own ability, perhaps a small wager would make the game more interesting?"
"Perhaps it would...  What have you in mind?"
"A guinea say, you have the advantage of me, pray what is your name sir?"
"My name is Edwin Holloway and I am not prone to passing up easy money." 

So, the board was set up and play began, Edwin chose the white pieces:
Pawn to King4
Pawn to King4
And so it went on, neither of us offering or receiving quarter.  We reached the end game.
"I have you Erik!" said Edwin.  "Mate in three moves..."
I scanned the board, smiled and toppled my King to signify defeat.

"You play a mean game, sir." I put my hand in my pocket, and produced a golden guinea and pushed it across the table. "Another game Edwin?"
Edwin smiled, "I suppose I should give you an opportunity to recoup your loss.  Same stake?"
"Mmm, shall we say 10 guineas?"
"You're on!" So, twenty minutes later I handed him ten guineas more.

"Well," said I, That's me tapped out.  Fortunately, I deposited a hundred guineas in a box at the local rail station.  Sadly, I can't just go out and collect it..."
"Do you have the key to that box on your person?"
"I do, but I can hardly nip out and collect it," I said, holding up my manacled hands.  "Unless you would trust me to return posthaste,  Perchance you could open the cell door and allow me to go collect it?"
"Erik, Erik!  Don't take me for a fool, you would never return..."
"Well it was worth a try," I smiled, took the key from my pocket and held it up before his eyes.  "It seems box 215 will have to wait.  If I'm found guilty of theft in court tomorrow morning, which I surely will, It could be six months before I get to spend it's contents..."
"Well, If you are seriously contemplating another game, I could, if you wish, recover said funds for you.
"Would you do that for me Edwin?  You are too kind Sir," I said handing over the key.
My Jailer left his post with the key in hand.  I smiled, easily divested myself of the manacles. Opening the cell door was child's play..."

When Edwin located and opened box 215, a puzzled frown populated his face as he recovered the envelope it contained.  He opened it.  His expression turned to anger as he read the note:

Sure as my name is Erik Weisz, you have been duped!  You're not after all an honest man.

signed: Harry Houdini

Copyright Len Morgan


  1. So, another of Harry's tricks. A shame he got that punch in the stomach which was the eventual cause of his death.
