
Saturday 11 July 2020

Spark'l ~ Part 4 & Last

Spark'l  ~  Part 4 & Last

By Len Morgan


“That was a fine thing you did for those young people” said Karen in the privacy of her bedroom.
'They were so sad; they had lost all hope and their belief in the future.  All I did was to give it back to them.   A little nudge here a push there.   Not all went home but their families now know they are safe,' said Spark’l.
Yap,” said Scruffy
“Time for sleep,” said Karen turning out the light.


One week later, Archie was in his office when Spark’l appeared suddenly.  
“Good morning,” he said cheerfully.   Spark’l did not respond immediately.
“Is something wrong?” he asked.
‘I am not what I seem,’ she said.   He remained silent waiting for her to explain.   ‘I now know my purpose,’ she said.
“Have you known for long,” he asked, without concern.
'It grew gradually within me.   I do not even think that I am female.   I should be out there seeking a prime star, one that is ready to flower, ready to become a Supernova.  The longer I remain here, on earth, the less likely I will be able to leave.' 
If you wish to leave now I could explain to the other’s, he offered.
'It is already too late, I have tried, I no longer have the energy to escape from your planet.'
“It’s a hell of a burden knowing that,” said Archie lapsing back into speech.
‘Sorry!   I may just fade out like a spark.   But, I could explode, and destroy all those I love, I do not know what will happen,’ said Spark’l.
 “Professor, come quickly!  I think you had better see this,” said Iris bursting into his office.
 She knows about Spark’l, he thought with a sinking feeling in his stomach. 
 Iris turned on the television.
   /… “As I speak, the reactor is close to meltdown.   Scientists estimate that, because of a nearby fault in the earths crust, the explosion might be sufficient to cause extensive earthquakes, tidal waves, and radioactivity that will destroy life as we know it…”   
Archie rushed to the TV frantically changing the channels.
“It’s not a hoax, It’s on every channel,” said Iris, “It’s the end of the world!” she ran from the office.
“Where are you going?”  Archie called after her.
“I’m going home to be with my family,” she answered, grabbing her handbag.  
   /…”The spiritual leaders of the world are urging all people of faith to pray for deliverance in this our darkest hour.   Pray for a miracle here in Urbistan.  The world’s largest, and newest, nuclear reactor went online just twelve hours ago.   It has been building steadily towards a chain reaction that will cause an explosion a thousand times greater than any nuclear device ever detonated by man.   The sequence of events started just minutes after the reactor went online the fault is due to human error.   It’s comforting to know that the destruction of our planet will be of our own doing,” said the announcer ironically…
It seems you will not after all be responsible for our deaths, Archie thought.
‘Nuclear energy; It is similar to the energy of the sun is it not?’  asked Spark’l
A very small sun, but yes, said Archie.
'It is the type of energy I require to survive, she said.   If I succeed, you will not be seeing me again.   I believe my visit to earth may not have been an accident after all,’ said Spark’l.  
Archie looked up but she was gone.


“What can she do?” asked Karen.
“Honestly I don’t know,” said Mum as she continued to get ready.
“I can’t believe you are still going to work Emm,” said, Dad.   “If it’s the end of everything wouldn’t you prefer to be here with us?”
“If Spark’l succeeds,” said Mum.
“She is an it!” said Dad.
“That’s was not what she said,” said Mum.   “I’m a nurse and there will be people at the hospital who are in pain, in need of help,” she said, “I can’t let them down.”
   All over the world people were fixed to their TV screens as the final countdown began.   Karen hugged Scruffy who covered his ears with his paws.
I’m afraid that won’t help you Scruffy, Karen thought.
But, It makes me feel betterit was so much easier when I knew nothing, he thought.
 The pictures on the TV shook violently a loud roar and a huge ball of fire expanded to fill the screen.   Then, it slowly contracted to the size of a football and began to rise into the air, slowly at first then; it began to gather speed, increasing rapidly, as it shot up into the atmosphere and out into space.
'Goodbye my friends, when next you see a Supernova, remember me.'  said Spark’l - the message was received by all those whose lives had been touched by her.   They all experienced her warm feelings of love, friendship, and togetherness.   None of them would ever feel lonely again.
 The Pope, and other religious leaders gave thanks for our deliverance and why not.

   Ten thousand years ago, something fortuitous happened.   Beings with incredible foresight sent Spark’l to us.   Had they done so six months earlier, or six months later, it would probably have meant the end of everything.  “How did they know?’” said Archie.
 “Did you talk to me a while back?” asked Karen.
 Scruffy smiled inwardly, ‘Yup.

Copyright Len Morgan


  1. Seems Spark'l is on his/her way and heading for Betelguese.
    Was Spark'l responsible for "The Star from the East"? I wonder

  2. Well? Hang on I haven't written that chapter yet...
