
Sunday 19 July 2020



By Peter Woodgate

I never thought that I’d admit
To going to Southend
And watching David Essex
It seems that my wife’s friend
Had suddenly developed
A rather nasty cold
And being listed “first reserve”
“You are going” I am told.
The tickets were for Mother’s Day
And bought by dear Lorraine
I don’t suppose she ever thought
That they would cause such pain.
But now and then you have to make
A sacrifice or two
And so I smiled and muttered
“Oh goody me and you”
So off we go to Cliffs Pavill
And park down on the Prom
We walk up fifteen flights of steps
No wonder my breath’s gone.
At last we sit down in the bar
To have a well earned drink
But all I see is females
And I begin to think
What if I’m the only bloke
In an ocean full of women
On the shore is David
And I’m left bloody swimming.
At last my fears are put to rest
As other men I see
They are at the bar and buying drinks
Have uses just like me.
And then it’s time to enter
We find our row and number
The lights go down, the music starts
Then suddenly there’s thunder
As women flock from everywhere
And rush down to the front
I strain my neck and catch a glimpse
Of what it is they want.

He stands there in his tatty jeans
A shirt without a collar
A waistcoat that’s seen better days
And he’s not short of a dollar.
But I must be objective
No hasty judgement here
Though secretly I’m thinking
I wish I had a beer.
Then David starts to strut his stuff
The women start to scream
As David sings “Rock On”, “Lamplight”
And “Silver Dream Machine”
Others follow,”Hold Me Close”
“If I Could” and more,
The Lyrics to “It Will Be Alright”
Really made them roar.
And when it came for him to say
“Goodbye,” right on cue
My wife and I, will say in truth
That “We’ll Be Missing You.”

Copyright Peter Woodgate


  1. Oh Peter, you didn't enjoy it, even a bit? So how come you know the titles of every song he sang? But, at least you warmed to it e v e n t u a l l y!?

  2. David is one of my many pin ups, he's somewhere in my top 10. Hands up to "first reserve". Loved your poem, I sympathised with you from the beginning.

  3. Go on....! I bet you loved it really.

    1. Well Janet, I think tolerated a more accurate verb!
      After all, I had to make the sacrifice to ensure, Jo had a good evening and, Lorraine, as second reserve, had a lovely evening at home. What a Martyr!!!
