
Tuesday 13 October 2020

Two sides of a penny


Two sides of a penny


By Robert Kingston

I spent a penny today, in a very special way
I dropped it in a bucket, and wished it a good day
I watched as the bucket, wandered along the street
I visualised the faces of the needy ones, with whom it would eventually meet

I spent a penny today, in a very special way
It was given to a stranger, who seldom had a say
I gave thought to how they became a beggar, in a country of such wealth
instantly realising it was created, by governmental stealth

I spent a penny today, in a not so special a way
I gave it to a corporation, whom with this government have so much sway
It put my penny in its till, and took it clean away
It's worth no longer relevant, it's hidden where taxes have no say

I spent a penny today in a not so special way
I gave it to a government who said the people had to pay
inventing many reasons for more and more taxes to be paid
In this country of the free, where money is given to the rich, 
instead of distribution in a much fairer way


Copyright Robert Kingston 30.1.16



  1. Very deep, and thought provoking... Thanks for posting it!

  2. Your penny probably ended up in the hands of the Disaster Capitalists.

  3. You don't pull any punches Rob! Who's head was on the coin? Remember what Jesus told us. Anyway I think you could have made it 5p.
    Nice poem

  4. Thanks Rob - very direct and to the point - I loved the clever contrast of a simple journey of a penny in an oft complex and unfair mixed-up world.
