
Tuesday 20 October 2020

My Great Epic Chapter 1


My Great Epic Chapter 1

By Len Morgan 

I took my reserved seat and started writing my great Epic just as the train pulled out of the station. My writing wavered left, right, up and down. I paused, to rub out the unintelligible scrawl, waiting for the train to hit a smooth stretch.

 I put pencil to paper again. The train went over the points and my pencil wavered left, right, up and down, so I went for coffee. I returned to find somebody had opened a window and an icy chill settled, as I sat down to start writing again. 

 I set my coffee on the table, just as the train jerked violently, the hot coffee poured onto my journal and onto my pants. I went to the restroom to sponge my trousers, and returned to find my journal soaked through; the great Epic would have to wait for another day.

I am sitting in my favourite chair, at home, 'Eine Kleine Nachtmusik' by Mozart playing in the background.  The temperature is 18 degrees.  I have a glass of cool rum & coke in one hand, as I take up my pen with the other to write in my new journal:


The Great Epic ~ Chapter 1...




  1. With with bated breath to find out what other disasters are in store.

  2. You are not having a good day are you? If I were you I'd have another rum and coke. Can't trust the railway's these days, in fact, you were lucky the train wasn't cancelled. Maybe not!!!
