
Friday 9 October 2020



THE UNINVITED                     


By Sis Unsworth


They had all set out for a picnic, to spend the day on the beach,

She spread out the cakes and the biscuits, and placed food in everyone's reach.

But the sea did then seem to beckon, so some took a walk to the shore,

Leaving her there with the picnic, as the youngsters were keen to explore. 

When all the food was quite ready she waved then sat down on the ground,

The sun was shining so brightly, it was just the fine day they had planned.

She was quite content to lay down there, the children were happy to play,

The breeze seemed to enhance the moment, she thought it was such a good day. But what happened next so did spoil it, as something did just catch her eye, 

A rat which had not been invited was eating a homemade pork pie.

How dare he should gate crash our picnic, and think he could eat what he like 

She shouted in quite a loud fashion, 'you're not wanted here, on your bike!’

The family came running back over, to see what the fuss was about,

 And why she was getting so angry, and spoiling the day with her shouts.

'Look what is eating our picnic,' she pointed her hand to the rat,

'I'm not eating my food with a rodent,' so one of you get rid of that'.

The rat then did seem to panic, and grabbing a sandwich he fled,

And scurried back home to his off spring, as a bottle did just miss he's head.

He said to his family there waiting, how dare they throw something at me,

As they’ve all come down for a picnic, and invaded our home by the sea.'

If we go in their homes they all panic and try to exterminate us,

But when they come here uninvited, we never can make a great fuss.

So when you go out for a picnic, where ever you do choose to roam,

Remember you've not been invited, it just maybe somebodies home.


Copyright Sis Unsworth



  1. Nicely planned out and written thank you for your contribution...

  2. We forget that when we venture out we are invading some creatures home.
    we ought to live in harmony with all out there but we can't live with fellow humans so all those creatures have no hope. Even rats make good pets (as long as they haven't been down the sewer) Nice poem
