
Sunday 25 October 2020

Thinking To Myself


Thinking To Myself 

By Jane Scoggins 

It wasn’t a trickle, but a downpour

It wasn’t a murmur, but a roar

It wasn’t a drop but a flood.

Oh, the ups and downs, the precarious instability

When I long so much for certainty and reliability

I want to be safe and feel sure

To be free of doubt and fear no more.

But it is hard, and it is tough

No wonder that I feel so rough.

I am torn

I am worn

Too afraid to reach out

All anxiety and tremulous doubt

No one knows just how I feel

So guarded now I cannot appeal.

But I should try, I really must

Find someone who cares, that I can trust.

I’m way out of my depth, am I worth saving?

Will someone notice I’m drowning, not waving.


Copyright Jane Scoggins


  1. Very deep sentiments, a thought provoking piece...

  2. Excellent poem. Reflects all our emotions I think.

  3. Everyone worth saving Jane, even The Prodigal Son. I am very intrigued with this poem. Is it a personal recognition of the crazy times we are suffering? or, a reflection of the meaning of Stevie Smith's poem?
    It is a very good poem and I have 1 suggestion, I feel, would make it complete. Because you have used rhyming couplets throughout the third line jars the rhythm. It stands there lonely and almost pleas for a partner. I would suggest a fourth line to marry up the sequences to rhyme and marry up with the rest of the poem. Something like "Leaves me floundering in the mud". I leave it to you.

  4. Bit of me, bit of lots of people I know at the moment Peter, and with a nod to Stevie Smith.Thanks for suggestions, I willhave a go.

  5. I echo Peter’s comments - everyone is worth saving. A powerful poem and reflects one of the many truths that this global situation has brought to light - we all have so much more in common with each other than our minor differences. Thanks for sharing this Jane
