
Friday 23 October 2020




By Jane Scoggins

  When Sally asked Gerry if he would like to go to the swimming pool with her, he didn't know what to say. The fact that she was asking him, was mind-bending enough. He blushed and in a daze said ''That would be great''

He didn't know if this was just a friendly gesture or if it was to be like going on a date. He couldn't work it out. No time to think further on it as she turned and went on her way with a smile, and a little wave of her hand. He smiled back of course, and was grateful that at least he appeared composed enough to do that, but as soon as she was out of sight his smile faded and was replaced with a frown, the type that signifies worry and uncertainty.  What had he let himself in for? Sally was a girl way out of his league and he was amazed she had asked him to go anywhere with him. I mean anywhere, even to cross the road with him, never mind to an actual venue. And to the swimming pool of all places. Date or not. At the moment that bit was the least of Gerry's worries. He had much more important things on his mind to worry about. He couldn't swim! How embarrassing was that! He couldn't change his mind now, he had accepted the invitation with a smile and he would look a fool if he told her now. Perhaps he could tell her he had a verruca and not allowed in the pool. But no, he remembered that his cousin had had several and he had been given a rubber sock thing to put on when he went swimming. He could have a bad cold? No, that would be time limited to a week at most. What to do? Gerry went to the cafe for a drink and a think. He had had swimming lessons at school but a bout of Glandular Fever during the summer term when his class were moving on from a few strokes to a width of the pool, had put a stop to his own progress. Some kids who had been on summer holidays abroad or holiday camps that year where there were swimming pools and flumes and the like, had, on return to school in September, boasted that they could now swim a length, and some could even dive in from the side or swim underwater. Gerry had spent most of that summer holiday recovering from the exhaustion left by the Glandular Fever. No real opportunities had come after that and he had not bothered to catch up. If only his parents had suggested he take extra private lessons he might not be in this unexpected quandary now. But he knew that was a bit harsh on his parents. No, it was not their fault he couldn't swim. Never mind about fault he thought, think of a plan!

After a bit of internet research he found a local swimming teacher who offered intensive two week swimming courses. Every day for an hour. That should do it, and she was willing to teach him first thing in the morning before he went to work or later in the evening before the pool closed and it was quiet.

Gerry took to the classes with enthusiasm and soon gained confidence. He made good progress and before the end of the two weeks, he knew he would be able to hold his own well enough when he met up with Sally. Some nights just before the pool closed members of the Dolphins Swimming Club arrived to have their lessons and practice their racing and diving. Gerry was fascinated and hung about for as long as he was allowed to watch them. They were a friendly bunch and always said hullo, once or twice he was asked if he was looking to join.

''Oh no,'' he would say, ''I am not up to your standard yet.''

Apart from the fact that some wore black trunks and some wore black costumes it was hard to tell the boys from the girls as they were all in the pool within seconds of emerging from the changing rooms and all wore yellow hats and black goggles, so in the water the only thing you noticed was their individual styles and speed when racing one another.

Several of the swimmers caught his eye as being particularly good and probably the stars of the team. One swimmer, he didn't realise was a girl, to begin with, he liked watching in particular. She was fast in the water and had a way of curving her arm when she did the crawl that was a bit quirky and intriguing to watch.

  When Gerry met up with Sally at the swimming pool he was confident and all fired up about swimming.  They swam a bit together but as time went on Sally was more interested in chatting with her girlfriends and showing off her new bathing costume than actual swimming. Gerry was very disappointed after all his efforts but still felt very grateful to be in her presence. After a few meetings at the pool, Sally announced that she was getting a bit bored with swimming and had decided to start horse riding with her best friend Amy. She wasn’t able to fit in both activities so regrettably, she said with a little princess pout she wouldn’t be coming to the pool much in future. Gerry got the message and gallantly said he understood and said he hoped to see her around sometime.

Gerry returned to watch the Dolphins Swimming Club and when asked the next time if he would like to join he said he would love to, if they would have him, and accept him as the novice he was. The team manager said, ''no worries, we all have to start somewhere, We were all novices once, if you are willing to practice hard you will soon be racing with the rest of the team,''

  Gerry was very happy; He set his goal on achieving a good time for a length in the pool and keeping up with the training. He also set his sights on the Dolphin with the quirky fast crawl and when he felt confident enough in the water he intended being confident enough out of the water to ask her out. This time it would be a proper date.


Copyright Jane Scoggins





  1. Nice story Jane, glad Gerry decided that his glass was half full and not half empty. I wouldn't have expected anything less. Your story's always leave us with a smile.

  2. Good story Jane. Glad that Gerry's heart withstood his encounter with that fickle Sally.
