
Wednesday 21 October 2020

Flesh & Spirit


Flesh & Spirit

By Len Morgan 

"Oh, mighty Karnak, greatest of all the gods.  Why do you allow your high priest and most faithful servants so brief a span upon this earth?"  Shovanni raised his arms wide and gazed into the sky.  "Why can I not live longer beneath the sun and enjoy the bounty of youth throughout my lifespan?"

"Mmm row ruff ruff," the tiny black Chihuahua bitch scratched at his legs demanding his attention.

Karnak smiled, "You have a puppy who is two of your years do you not?"

"I do, lord Karnak," he sat down and ruffled the dog's fur, stroking her gently.  She climbed up his raiment, licked his face and wagged her tail, combing his beard with her claws 

"You are fond of her are you not?"  The god spoke and gained form against the backcloth of an ultramarine blue sky. 

"Truly I am, my Lord," Shovanni answered as he gazed up fearfully at Karnaks image blooming in the sky.  Saphi was unconcerned, chewing at her master's beard growling with contentment.

"I can see she is dearly beloved and returns your love in equal measure.  You have always shown great affection for the canine species," his visage wore a benevolent smile.

"That is also true my Lord."

"Tell me Shovanni, my faithful companion on earth.  How many dogs have been your companions throughout your life?"

"Five thus far my Lord.  Tansi, Drammi, Poppi, Benji and Saphi," tears came to his eyes, as he called to mind the memories of each companion.

"Why so sad?"

"They were good and faithful companions, but their life spans were so brief, a mere twelve to sixteen years."

"Then they died?" Shovanni said nothing.  "They live a full and happy life and when they became sick, wracked with pain you ended their suffering mercifully did you not? 

"Ay that is true Lord," he looked dejected, eyes downcast.

"That was good.  You acted in the best interest of your companions despite your own sadness and feelings of loss."

"If I loved them, I had to spare them the misery of a failing body and mind.  If I could, I would have extended their lives but, not their pain."

"That is the way of all flesh Shovanni, my good companion.  All living things have a span of years, beyond which they deteriorate and expire, in spite of the desires of gods and men."  Karnak's image now looked sad, as he thought of all the men who had been his earthly companions.  He'd witnessed Shovanni's birth and dedication to his service.  He knew at Shovanni's first cries that this question would arise.  "You have taught your son his duties as your successor?"

"Yes lord Karnak.  He is ready."

"Bring him to me when you feel it is time to relinquish your ties with the flesh.  You will then be welcome to join me here in my world of the spirit.  Here you will join your predecessors and live on forever."

"How can that be lord?  My body will be consigned to the ground, food for worms."

"Think on the humble caterpillar that eats to create a cocoon, its life done.  Then it bursts forth and takes to the sky in a wonderful new guise?"

"I cannot believe humans capable of such a metamorphosis lord."

"Then ask a caterpillar if he is aware of the wonderful new existence that awaits him..."


Copyright Len Morgan

1 comment:

  1. Very philosophical Len. Jo is always telling me that euthanasia should be extended to humanity. A bit concerned though as Jo's interpretation
    of when that should be is almost certainly a lot sooner than I would like. Especially as it appears I don't listen to a word she says!!!
