
Saturday 27 June 2020

WHEN (A Parody)


(A Parody)

By Peter Woodgate

When you have been transmuted
from the very essence of time
yet find yourself just one amongst the many.
When you have existed for a countless million years
and will exist for countless millions more.
When you can take the chemical elements
and bake them into the most exotic of dishes
and still, produce a surprise for dessert.
When you can shine more brightly
than the brightest of most precious jewels
and yet me no more thought of than the air we breathe.
When you can feed the multi-million life forms
that co-exist in organised confusion
yet still have heart enough to warm them too.
When you have done all this
with no more guidance save for Nature’s plan
then you deserve a little praise, at least,
and which is more, you'll be a Sun, my man.

Copyright Peter Woodgate


  1. Have amended typo error "me" to "be"

  2. Good, that makes much more sense. Clever poem. Poor old sun, we moan when it shines too brightly and also when it doesn't.

  3. I guessed it had to be 'b'. The sun, who we all worship, is a nice subject to write about and this was a very nice poem to read.
