
Thursday 25 June 2020

Musical Statues

Musical Statues 

By Robert Kingston

You will do as I say! As I hide in my bunker
Regardless of offence or antagonism
It is my culture that put these statues in place
They were done so in the eyes of grace
And you offend by attempting to displace
Will only see you beneath my knee
As worlds crumble you will surely see
The terror I can decree
As you walk this crooked mile
We’ll continue with our crooked smile

Copyright Robert Kingston 24.6.20


  1. A bitter poem with some justification. Funny how others can quote 'culture differences' whereas we have no such excuse.

  2. All it needs for Tyranny to triumph is for good men (& women) to do nothing! Deep thoughts Rob...

  3. Short but powerful, I think your best yet.
    However, I am fearful for this country and feel it is heading for
    division. Frustration can lead to drastic action and, after all,, had it not been taken, women today may not have had the vote.
