
Saturday 6 June 2020



By Peter Woodgate

I awoke one morning,
the sight and scent of a thousand blooms
embracing my senses.

She drifted past my window,
pausing…. briefly,
to admire the heads on my clematis.

Her slender body and limbs, outlined,
beneath a magnificent gown.
A gown designed in paradise,
as reds, browns, blacks and whites
mingled to a majestic finale.

I looked at her, for a moment,
unable to speak, then whispered,
“You are a beautiful Lady.”

She didn’t answer,
just shrugged her shoulders
and drifted away into the distance
in search of a suitor,
unaware of a destiny,
as brief, and erotic,
as a kiss.

Copyright Peter Woodgate


  1. Hi Peter, You must edificate me. Is this prose or poetry?
    3-3-5-3-6? I enjoyed it but you are always the stickler. He! He!

  2. I thought this was lovely. We are talking about a butterfly aren't we?

  3. Poetry, Blank verse. The best way for identification is simply the structure. Looking at the page,without actually reading it, you would immediately think Poetry. The problem is that very little modern poetry has any rhyme at all,it should though have rhythm.
    If the commas, full stops etc are used correctly when reading aloud you should have the natural rhythmn of speech.

  4. Shelley loved this but was having difficulties with posting her comment she liked that is was a butterfly!
    A Bubberflub? I didn't know that; you live and learn eh? Well written man...

  5. Hi Peter, I'm able to comment again...for now!🤔
    Thanks Len for posting that comment on my behalf. I was saying, I liked having to guess whether or not the painted lady was a butterfly. Lovely poem.
