
Monday 8 June 2020

Pigeon pie

Pigeon pie 

By Rob Kingston

Shock waves in the wind
The Robin is to be crowned Great Britain’s king

Not an Owl, not an Eagle or a Black bird
Not a Wren, a Jay, Cuckoo, warbler or Tit
Not a Starling, a Swift, Lark, Magpie or Martin
None of these will be featured to sing.

Not a Sparrow hawk, a Kestrel, Kite or Kingfisher
Cormorant, Coot, Curlew or Crane
A Goose, the Duck or even a Swan
None are the favourite, chosen for fame

For it is the Little Robin red breast they say is the best
That is to be elevated upon Great Britain’s crest
Its vibrancy in song and coat
Are two reasons as to why upon the crest it will float

I question the reasons, I question them all
For I see a more favoured breast to the crest be called
Mount up the pigeon upon this crest
For I see it is he who has answered this nation the best

From carrying messages both wide and far,
Seeing the terror and its many scars
For being there to answer to the nation in difficult times
Providing staples that get rinsed down with wine

A feature upon many land mark town halls
To flocking to the bird lady’s call at St Paul's
Children hand feeding in Trafalgar square
Feverishly flapping as the clangers come to bell bare

Featuring in films throughout time
Showing our London as a place uniquely sublime
Up and down the land
The mighty pigeon can be found

So to those residing in a lofty place
Please reconsider to which bird deserves this grace
If it’s on glory be
Then surely it should be the pigeon that deserves being seen

© Robert Kingston     29.12.15


  1. Hi Rob, so what's wrong with the robin? Personally I would favour the starlings anyday! Very well written case for the pigeon (you can't eat starlings)... Thank you for sharing

  2. I prefer the wood pigeon myself. The pair in my garden seem like 747's compared to the wren. So full of character aswell. Dambusters popped into my head, and mr pidgeon was riding on high!

  3. I agree with you Rob. Poor old pigeons get a bad press these days - disease carriers and all. And what's with those horrible spikes that stop them from landing! People have such short memories. (Nice poem BTW)

  4. By far, my favourite poem on the blog, being a bird fan. Thanks.

  5. A couple of positive comments, (1) I love the content matter, especially when dealing with the "much maligned" pigeon.
    (2) The 3rd stanza is almost worth the poem on it's own.A wonderful use of alliteration and rhyme together. being picky I would leave out the word "sparrow" to tighten the syllable count.
    A poem, I feel, worth a few flyovers.

  6. I've just flown over again.
    Apparently there are 400 billion birds on the planet....around 60 birds per human.🐦

  7. I do like the Robin very much and he and his missus are frequently in my garden. The pigeon is much maligned and I feel sorry for them as they try and squeeze onto my bird table, but...they poop everywhere and in quantity which makes them less welcome.Sorry pigeons

  8. 👍to Mr and Mrs Pidge...and their pidglets.
