
Thursday 3 September 2020



By Peter Woodgate

Within the woods and forests,
rain or snow,
all are mankind’s saviour,
this, I know.
They help us breathe, of course,
which we just take for granted
alas, we cut them down
so many more than planted.
Natural propagation,
it’s an uphill task,
seedlings crushed beneath our feet
are not allowed to bask
within each season’s detailed plan
or thrive in nature’s scheme,
they do not fit or profit
within our wealth, would seem.
Yet, what reward surpasses
a stroll through a woodland track?
So much to gain in sight and sound
within our senses pack.
And what of vital rainforests
destroyed without a care
where multi-million lifeforms
their havens need to share.
I fear that we have lost our way
priorities awry,
the axe will swing, sap will flow,
another tree will cry…..then die.

Copyright Peter Woodgate



  1. Another true sentiment; not within our power to change. But, it's all happening on our watch!

  2. So Sad. I feel for our trees and the lives it sustains.
