
Friday 11 September 2020

Fifty Word Snippets.

Fifty Word Snippets.

by Len Morgan

I submitted a dozen snippets for publication & these were the rejects:

Common Courtesy
Not so common, courtesy is, showing good manners and respect for others.   A simple please and thank you, a genuine enquiry after another persons well being; showing you care, endears you to others.   Giving a helping hand to somebody will cost you nothing, and it could well be returned tenfold.
50 words
God Doesn’t exist - Thank GOD!
If he did how would he view our involvement in AfghanistanKosovoIraq, and with global warming?   Could he forgive our failure to aid - BiafraEthiopia, and ‘street children’ worldwide?   How would he view our designs to infest the Galaxy, like a plague, what would he do!  Send us Covid-19?
50 words
The Journalist.
The journalist should be dispassionate, non-judgmental, like a fly on the wall.   He should see with his own eyes, hear with his own ears, and feel with his heart.   He should bear witness, remember, and tell all.   Laziness, anger, fear, sympathy, and vanity, can play no part in this process.
50 words
In 1998 $3,000,000,000 were committed to finance the sequencing of the human genome.    It revealed a continuous spectrum of relatedness between all living organisms.   At molecular level fungi, bacteria, and man, share more similarities than differences.   Which includes a common system, for storing and expressing information, namely the DNA Helix.
50 words 
Perfection is a wonderful goal to strive for.   But, failing to attain it ourselves, we often fall into the trap of expecting it in others.   Let’s for a moment flip the coin and, instead of criticising their failure, try to ‘catch them doing something right’ and offer them due praise.
50 words
You are responsible for the manner in which you live your life.   But, you should also allow others to take responsibility for their lives.   Too many people go through life acting as a crutch for others, who choose not to stand on their own two feet.   Don’t be a crutch!
50 words
The Writer
Is an artist who paints, with words, on the canvas that is your mind.   Reading is sharing those thoughts and ideas.   The vividness of the imagery is dependent upon what the reader is prepared to contribute to the symbiosis; what you get back is proportional to what you put in.
50 words
If it costs nothing it’s worthless
If you have an idea, for a product, or a service to sell, people will gladly pay you for it and show their appreciation.   However, if you try to give it away ‘free gratis’ you will be treated with suspicion and have a very much harder task ahead of you.
50 words 
History is written by the Victor.
As such its credibility depends on the viewer’s perspective.   Issues are seldom black and white, so to base a judgment or your beliefs on a perceived truth, rightly or wrongly, is to make a flawed judgement.   An arbitrator should therefore always seek to promote a win/win solution to any dispute.
50 words


  1. Well, I don't know what the other three were like, but I thought these were all gems.

  2. 3 out of 12 is good. Will you be showing the other 3 here? Very interesting.
