
Wednesday 2 September 2020

Garden Magic #2

Garden Magic #2

By Dawn Van Win

Sandy, loamy, soggy clay
Find a garden
Go and play

Get that dirt
Beneath your nails
It is a balm
For all that ails

Sowing seeds
And tilling earth
Coppice wood
To fill the hearth

Growing veg
To fill your belly
Feels more worthwhile
Than watching telly

Planting flowers
Of every hue
Connects us to
Our nature true

So if you’re bored 
Nothing to do
A garden somewhere
Waits for you

To co-create
And get involved
Whilst re-connecting
With your soul

Copyright Dawn Van Win


  1. Yea! Lovely picture & depiction, my wife is the gardener. Enjoyed the experience though...

  2. Lovely poem, flows well and I agree wholeheartedly with the sentiments. Gardening kept my daughter sane after the loss of her partner.

  3. Growing up in a concrete jungle gave me a longing for rural life and a garden is a blessing. I even find weeding relaxing and some that I murder are really quite beautiful. Nice poem Dawn, unfortunately there will always be some that hate gardening. They'd rather watch Telly.

  4. Lovely.I too love my garden.A saving grace during lockdown.
