
Thursday 27 August 2020

The Carver Twins.

The Carver Twins.

By Len Morgan

Lillian started life as the third of four sisters, as different each to the others as porridge & peas pudding. Iris, the eldest, was married with a two-year-old boy and another on the way. Laurel, the youngest sister, was at Leicester Uni. Violet, Lillie’s twin and two minutes her senior, worked at the Bank of England, she'd been married for three years but though she dearly wanted to start a family, she couldn't conceive, because Jeff had a low sperm count. Violet & Jeff were saving up for invitro-fertilization, which was putting a serious drain on their funds.

The twins were identical, both blessed with stunning good looks.  But, Lilly considered herself to be the dunce in the family, she did not do well at school, she wasn't stupid though, her problem was dyslexia.  She was an excellent people person; Lilly worked in a local call centre.  A good listener and problem solver she was popular with her fellow workers and clients alike many even asked for her by name. She was outgoing and had had a string of boyfriends but nothing seemed to last.  She enjoyed sex, but boys and men just seemed to be one dimensional.  There was a time when she’d thought she was pregnant but it was a false alarm.  The doctor at the clinic told her she would be very unlikely to have children because, in layman’s terms, her plumbing wasn’t conducive.

 The call centre wasn't the best-paid job so she’d been looking around for a line of work that would pay better and stretch her potential.  Sheila, one of her clients suggested she call round to interview for a job in customer liaison services.

Lilly arrived at the appointed time and was ushered into a small but neat office.
Sheila smiled and shook her hand, "Lilly darling you look just divine, I think our clients would be pleased to be seen with you on their arm."
Lilly looked puzzled. "I, I don't understand."

"We are an escort agency, darling.  Businessmen from all around the globe come here for meetings, they require an escort to act as their guide, and provide pleasant companionship during their stay."

"Escort?  Isn't that a polite word for a prostitute?"

"Haha! A popular misconception darling, no, an escort is a guide who provides intelligent conversation, companionship, eye candy to enhance the impression made when the couple enters a room. An Escort makes his or her clients stay as enjoyable as possible.  However, if you should choose to take things further, that’s up to you but there’s no obligation if asked you can just say no and walk away, without causing offence.  You get paid either way, £500 a day or part thereof, and the client pays for everything else."

"But, my wardrobe isn't really suitable for classy venues."

"We have an extensive wardrobe.  Follow me.” She opened a side door, lights came on.  She ushered Lilly into a walk-in wardrobe, three times the size of her office. “The racks are in size order, just go in and choose what you think is appropriate for the occasion.  Everything in here is available for your use.  After a few months, you may prefer to acquire clothing more to your own taste but until then...  What size are you 16?" she led Lilly to a row of top brand clothing all in her size.

“Prada, Gap, Chanel, Stella McCartney, Monsoon, Calvin Clein Gucci.  Oh, Jimmy Choo’s, can I try them?”
“Feel free, there’s a full-length mirror behind the door.  When you’re ready I’ll be outside at my desk.”  The phone interrupted her…
Half an hour later Lilly reappeared in her street clothes and Sheila switched off the hidden surveillance cameras in the wardrobe.

“Do you have an application form for me to fill out?”
“Just sign here darling, you will be self-employed so, I’ll give you the rundown on filling out tax & N.I. forms.  If it’s a problem we have an accountant who can take care of the paperwork for a small fee.  Just put your name and address on the application form.”

“When do I start?”
“Well, if you’re free, select your attire, and meet Mr Okasaki at London airport.  He will be arriving at terminal 3 in two hours. I’ll help you with your makeup, and arrange for a taxi to take you in one hour.  Mr Okasaki is a regular, a real sweetie.  Look after him well and he will show his appreciation.

Mr Okasaki looked at the image of Lilly sent to him from the agency and smiled.


She said no to one in three of her clients over the following six months, and received a generous bonus each time.  She found she had so much spare cash that she was able to offer Violet a generous contribution towards her invitro-fertilization fund.
The twins were close, so when Lilly found Violet in tears on one of her frequent visits she was concerned. “What’s the matter Vi, why the tears?”
“Oh Lil, Jeff says we are wasting our time trying for something that will never happen.  He wants to spend the remains of our savings on a holiday to Vegas.” 
“You could adopt Sis…”
“He’s gone off the idea of having a child; he thinks it will spoil things between us.  But, I think he’s having an affair with his boss.”
“I have an idea,” said Lilly.  “You do know I work in customer relations.  Well, there’s a nice guy I’m meeting tomorrow I think you would like him.”
“What are you suggesting?”
“What’s good for the goose…  Just meet me in the foyer of the Woodgrange hotel in Southend at 10:30pm tomorrow evening, and I think your problem will be solved.”

“He’s in room 1023, I’ve left the door ajar, just go in, leave the light off and enjoy…”

The client in room 1032 thought Lilly had changed her mind.


Six months later Jeff moved in with his boss, and Lilly moved in with Violet to help her through her pregnancy.

Three months on Violet gave birth.  To Lilly’s surprise, it was a petite black baby with brown jewel-bright eyes and a lusty voice.

Lilly looked perplexed. “Vi, did I say go to room 1032 or 1023?”

Violet smiled and thought: Dyslexia is a wonderful thing!

Copyright Len Morgan


  1. This is great Len. Just one comment - I think the phrase 'Dyslexia is a wonderful thing' should go at the end of the piece.

  2. You do have an "off the wall" mind Len. Got a bit concerned when you rattled off all those designers of women's clothes though. Is there something you wish to share?
