
Saturday 8 August 2020

A Sudden Snowfall

A Sudden Snowfall

By Sis Unsworth

A red crested robin perched high on a tree
surveying the strange world down below.
Old Amy peered out from her lone room to see,
recalling a snow scene from long long ago.

Where poorly dressed children in old worn down shoes
Made their magical world in the snow
Inspired to imagine whatever they chose
Fond memories continued to flow.

A cascade of fresh snow flakes continued to dance
but the vision she held like before,
For deep in her heart, she longed for the chance,
To play in the snow just once more.

Copyright Sis Unsworth


  1. Well crafted Sis. While reading I could vividly recall the cold pinching my fingers, toes, nose & ears. But looking back it was a small price to pay for the fun we had. See what you did?

  2. A cheeky Robin in the snow prompts happy memories for most of us of winters past.Nicely written.
