
Wednesday 26 August 2020

Ode to a Blog (and all you lot! :-))

Ode to a Blog (& all you lot!  : - ) )

By Dawn Van Win

How do I value thee
Let me count the ways...

In times of Covid crisis
When the whole world feels shut down
You are a valued safe space
Where our work is shared around
All members and the wider span
Of folk around the globe
Can come and read 
And share our tales 
of mystery and hope,
Adventure, joy and derring-do
And subjects many varied 
(I’m listing just a few!)

This magic space in a virtual sea
A home to share and so connect
Our words and rhymes 
With one another
All members of RLWG

Our blog meister extraordinaire
Len of course, deserves a mention
All of this here brought to exist
By his ever true attention
Not only posting to and fro 
All work we do submit
But timely updates
Informing all of latest numbers hit

The times indeed 
‘They are a-changing’
As Bob so rightly sang
so in virtual spaces
Like our blog 
Our hat, coat and verse we hang
Until we all may meet again safely sharing words and tea
There’s not much more that I can say
‘cept I miss our writers' gang!

Copyright Dawn Van Win

1 comment:

  1. Not sure (in my ignorance) if this is poem or prose, it's certainly narrative well written and very amusing. Thank you for sharing it with us...
