
Sunday 11 April 2021

Changing Worlds

 Changing Worlds 

By Sis Unsworth

She could no longer bear the pain, the trauma deep within.

The world she knew was changing, and she could never win.

Leaving her familiar life, to venture out alone,

To taste and feel the freedom. That she would call her own

The grasp and touch reality, reluctantly moved on,

The safe protected life she’d known, would be forever gone.

Unwillingly did she cry out, as her past life they did sever,

the sheltered world that she had known, alas was gone forever

Evicted from her comfort zone, her destiny now unknown,

She did then sense a feeling, she would not be there alone.

Saw and heard such strange things, she’d never known before, Bewildered by a special worth, she felt and yearned for more.

Now she knew she must adapt, leave one world for another,

As the midwife gently placed her, in the safe arms of her mother.


Copyright Sis Unsworth


  1. As always, a well balanced poem with no initial indication as to where it's heading we are on tenterhooks. Then with the very last line you pull the rabbit out of the hat! We now have 30 (Thirty) whimsical Sis Unsworth pieces, that's enough for a slim volume of verse... Well done Sis!

  2. Yes, had me bemused until the last line. Just one query, second to last line, did you mean adopt or should it read adapt?
