
Wednesday 9 December 2020

Pongo Lil.

 Pongo Lil. 

by Phil Miller

Pongo Lil lived over the hill and Christ! did she stink

Mentioning a bath was a dangerous path,

She’d be gone before you could blink.

T’was  too much for one village to bare

So they hatched a cunning plan,

To trap her, by Olde Goatsmere pub

With the promise of a caramel flan.

The day soon came and did she run but

Too fast were the sprightly young lads.

Who felled her quick with a bramble stick

And tore off her old oily rags.

Not a sound did she make when

Dragged to the lake, naked and raw was she.

They picked her up and threw her in

And they danced around with glee.

Pongo Lil drowned that night,

And her body was never found.

The lake was dredged and the dogs brought in

To search the sodden ground.

A year went by and all was well

Till one night when bathing Jack,

New mum Nell thought she could smell

Rotten fish wafting in from out back.

She left her babe wrapped up in a towel

To follow the stench with her nose.

Which took her to the lake by the hill

Where she froze from her head to her toes.

A light shone bright from the murky deep,

As sleek, deathly arms broke through.

Nell gave out a guttural scream

As her worst nightmare came true.

Her babe held high to the silvery sky

It’s body lifeless and grey.

Down went Lil, to her watery grave

The curse remains to this day.

Goatsmere Village is a haunted place

The folk’s fate was savagely sealed

The night they danced around with glee

When Pongo Lil was killed.


Copyright Phil Miller



  1. Gosh a gory tale indeed. No happy ending there, folks. (by the say it's bear not bare).

  2. From what I gather it started out as a comical tale but turned a dark corner. Very Miller-ish. All the same I enjoyed it.
    Mrs Miller.

  3. A good combination of light and dark. Humour that sinks gradually to the murky depths.

  4. I felt quite sorry for poor Pongo Lil. They treated her badly, no wonder she kicked up a stink.
