
Thursday 24 December 2020


 CHRISTMAS ON MY OWN ~ Part Two & Last

By Bob French

Having come to terms with her folly, Amanda reluctantly joined in the festive season throughout the hospital as Christmas Day drew near.  As she met up with her friends in the restroom, Pam came and sat down next to her.

          “Look, the second team is at home this weekend.  Fancy joining us?”  At first, her mind told her no. There was no point.  She couldn’t compete with Holly and the thought of breaking up a family so near Christmas was cruel, to say the least, but Pam nudged her and with a smile explained that this was the last time the second team would be playing at home until the New Year.  Amanda looked up at Pam, then Clair and nodded.  It was pointless moping about something she couldn’t have, then stood up and agreed. 

“I’ll meet you there.”

The day was cold and frosty with a clear blue sky and the clubhouse was packed with spectators from both teams.  The game started and soon became a very fast-moving one, with three tries in the first ten minutes. Then just before the half time whistle, Roddy had run onto a loose ball, picked it up, and was sprinting towards the try line.  Out of nowhere, two huge gorillas rushed at him from different sides smashing him to the ground.  The spectators all groaned as all three men fell in a heap.  The first up was Roddy, who picked up the ball and limped across the line and fell to the ground for a try.  The half time whistle blew and the medical crews rushed onto the pitch.

The spectators lingered for a few minutes until all three men were on their feet then applauded them, then made a dash for the clubhouse for some hot chocolate.

Roddy never made it back onto the pitch for the second half and Amanda started to worry about him.  She made her excuses to Jill and Pam and discretely asked where the medical room was.  An old veteran smiled at her and nodded her towards a White door with a large red cross on it.

Without knocking, she pushed the door open and the smell of horse liniment and sweat stung her eyes and the back of her throat.  An elderly man wearing a dirty white coat turned and stared at her.

“Sorry Miss, are you lost?”

“Amanda took a slow deep breath.  “Sorry, I was looking for Roddy.  I think he was hurt just before the whistle went.”

The old man looked at her with a smile, then nodded her towards a curtained off cubical. “He’s resting at the moment, so try not to disturb him too much Miss.”

She stood beside him, staring down at his sweat covered face.  Then she let her eyes move over his body.  His right leg was covered in ice packs and his rugby shirt had been taken off and his ribs strapped up. His muscular chest and six-pack rose and sank slowly as the sedatives gradually did its work. Without thinking, she slowly took his hand and held it as though it was the most precious thing in the world. 

She must have been standing there for a while when suddenly Roddy opened his eyes and with a confused look, stared up at her.

“Aren’t you the young lady who nearly fell in the mud last month?”  Amanda grinned, then squeezed his hand.

“Yes, I thought I ought to say thank you for saving me,” and without thinking, she leant slowly forward and kiss his forehead.

Roddy smiled.  “Consider the debt repaid Miss.”

“Oh, sorry, my name is Amanda.”

The moment was shattered as the old man in the dirty white coat pulled back the curtain. “Excuse me, Miss.”

Amanda stepped back as the old man inspected his treatment of Roddy.  Then with a smile on his face and gave a nod.

“You can go Roddy, take it real easy; no training or heavy work until the new year.  I’ll tell Frank, your captain.  You just take it easy and enjoy Christmas.”  He turned towards Amanda.  “You can stay if you want Miss, but after the full-time whistle is blown, this place is like a Turkish brothel, so I suggest you make a dash for it while you can.”

After he had left, Amanda turned to Roddy with a frown on her face. “Turkish Brothel?”  Roddy laughed through gritted teeth.

“A steamy room full of fat, sweaty naked bodies all pushing and shoving for the bath or shower.”  The look on Amanda’s face before he closed his eyes again told him that this was her first time behind the scenes of a rugby club.

After a while, Roddy tried to sit up.  “You couldn’t do me a huge favour Miss?  Take me home.  I normally jog to and from the clubhouse, but I think I won’t be able to make it today and I really want to be out of here before the lads get back.”

“Don’t be silly.  It’s the least I can do for you, after all you did save me from embarrassment.”

After a lot of gentle lifting and moving, Roddy was finally on his feet.  He nodded towards his kit bag and boots.  “I’ll need my tracksuit top and trainers.  Can you help me?”

It took a little time as Amanda dressed Roddy, then together they staggered thought the empty clubhouse, pleased that there were no inquisitive spectators.  When they finally reached fresh air, Amanda nodded to her Mini Countryman. As they approached, Roddy gave out a little chuckle.

“It is clear that these little cars are not built for six-foot-three rugby players.”

Amanda laughed with him. “I have a plan,” she said in a French accent, as she moved towards the boot of her car.  After collapsing the back seats and pushing the front passenger seat flat, she stood back and invited him to carefully crawl in and lay down.  After a little bit of grunting and shuffling, Roddy managed to climb into the back of her car.

Once she started the car and drove over to the club gates, she realised that she had to play dumb. “Sorry Roddy, but I don’t know where you live.  Can you tell me please?”

“Do you know the railway station?  Take the first left after it and continue as though you are going out of town.  We are about a hundred yards down that road.”

“Oh, not far then.  Do you need to tell anyone that you are injured and won’t be in work on Monday?”  She knew she was prying, but continued to act the innocent.

“No, it’s alright, I’m my own boss, but thank you anyway.”

As she pulled up into the driveway of the little cottage, the door opened and the tall elegant woman she had seen him with going into Crown and Anchor, stepped outside with a frown on her face.

“Can I help you?”

Amanda got out of her car and walked to the back doors. “It’s Roddy.  I’m afraid he’s in a pretty bad way.  Can you give me a hand?”

“Good heavens Roddy, what have you done this time?”  Amanda noticed that her voice had no compassion in it.

“You seem pretty well bashed up. Do I need to get a doctor?”

Roddy groaned as he eased himself out of the back of the car, then held on to the tall woman and started to hobble towards the front door.  As he reached it, he tried to turn and thank Amanda, but the tall woman eased him away and through the door.  Roddy stretched back and tied to take her hand to thank her.

Before she could respond, the tall woman smiled her thanks, then eased him through the front door, shutting it behind her.  Amanda noticed that the woman’s smile didn’t reach her eyes.

Amanda sat in her fluffy PJ's with a half-empty tin of Roses on her lap watching ‘Strictly’ on the television.  It depressed her; the Christmas music, the laughter, glitz and fun of the show being enjoyed by everyone except her.  She let her mind drift back to Roddy and Holly, who instantly reminded her of Cruella de Vil, then quickly cast them out of her mind; raised a glass of wine to her favourite Teddy Bear. “Another Christmas with you again.”

Her thoughts were interrupted by the sound of her phone which caused her to jump, then frantically look around the room, trying to identify where the sound was coming from.  When she finally found it, she looked at the screen and couldn’t recognise the number.


“I’m sorry but is this Amanda?” 

Thinking it was another cold caller, she thought for a minute before deciding to answer it.  “How did you get this number?  I’m ex-directory.”

“I’m so sorry, but is this Amanda?” 

“Yes.  Who is speaking please?”

“It’s Roddy.  Look I hope you don’t think me rude, but.”  He paused as though trying to think of what to say.  “I just wanted to thank you for getting me home safely and, and….”.

She listened for a while, then realising he wasn’t going to speak took a deep breath.

“Are you feeling a little better Roddy?  I was a little worried…. Being cramped in my little car, I thought I might have caused you more injury.”

“No, no I’m fine, and once again, thank you for all your help.”  There was a pause, then the phone went dead.

Amanda looked at her phone and frowned.  How strange, she thought, then tossed it onto the cushion next to her and raided the Roses before going back to watching ‘Strictly’.

As she was leaving the children’s ward a few days before Christmas, a little girl had been admitted with a very high temperature.  As she wasn’t part of the ward staff, she didn’t get involved.  The following day as she popped down to give a hand at the end of her shift, who should be there but Cruella de Vil.  She was standing over the little girl who had been admitted the night before and was lecturing her about something.  Once the tall woman had left, she quietly sat down beside the little girl.

“Hi, my name is Amanda, what’s yours.”

“Julia, but my …”

She was rudely interrupted as the Sister of the ward called her over. “Sorry Amanda, we got a bit of a flap on.  Can you help?”  Amanda smiled at Julia and winked. 

“Don’t worry, I’ll be back.”  But it was gone ten by the time the incident that needed her help had been sorted and Amanda thought it too late to bother the little girl.

It was the day before Christmas Eve and once Amanda had finished her shift, she dropped in on Julia.  She stayed with her, caring for her and making her laugh, until the ward Sister approached her and informed her that Julia could go home first thing in the morning.  When Amanda explained what the Sister had said, she didn’t seem to want to go.  “I’d rather stay here with you please.”

“Is there something wrong at home?”

Julia frowned.  “It’s my Dad.  He can’t get around very well and I don’t know how to get home or to take care of him.”  

If you like I can drive you home and see what we can do to help your Dad.”

Julia instantly cheered up, then threw her arms around Amanda’s neck.

“Thank you so much.”

Amanda got permission from her ward Sister to take Julia home during her shift and promised to make up the time, but the Sister simply smiles at her.

“Amanda, you’re the only one who goes above and beyond your duties.  Go and take care of little Julia and her father.  I will see you back on duty on the 27th.

Amanda was surprised when Julia directed her down past the railway station, then taking the first left drove down to the little cottage.

“You live here?”  Amanda said with a little surprise in her voice, then prepared herself for another bout of rudeness from Cruella de Vil.  As she pulled on the hand brake, the front door opened and Roddy, holding onto the door frame grinned, they waived at Julia.

“Daddy, I’m better and nurse Amanda is going to take care of you.”

Amanda stepped out of the car as Julia rushed into her Dad’s arms.

“God it’s so good to have you home and safe.  I was really worried.”

As Amanda reached the front door of the cottage, Roddy reached out and took Amanda’s hand.  “Thank you so much for looking after Holly.  She means so much to me.”

Amanda looked down at Julia.  “Holly? I thought you said your name was Julia?”

Roddy smiled.  That’s her real name, but as she was born on Christmas Day, I’ve always called her Holly.”

Before he had finished, Amanda blurted out. “Then who was that tall blond-haired woman I saw you with?”

Holly turned and looked up into Amanda’s face with a scowl on her face. “Oh, she’s his big sister.” She’s not very nice. But she’s gone now so it’s just me, Dad and you for Christmas. Won’t that be fantastic?”


Copyright Bob French


  1. So, you misnamed your story eh? Don't worry we all do that on occasions. Well written with an amusing punchline (as always). Thank you for sharing it...

  2. Good story. A few typos but hey! - it's Christmas. Nice twist but would be good to know what happened to Julia/Holly's mother.And the reason why Julia was reluctant to go home was not credibly explained. However very enjoyable and you were obviously a rugby player.

  3. I thought this story a bit overcomplicated.I liked the realstic rugby stuff and found it more credible than the love interest stuff.I dont think young women are refered to as Miss these days are they?
