
Saturday 12 December 2020

Abbalar Tales ~ 17


Abbalar Tales ~ 17 Orden’s Gambit

By Len Morgan

He lay silent and pale, comatose, for three days and nights.   Orden looked on with parental concern.   At this stage none could predict with certainty if he would live or die but, the odds were in his favour, 5:1, and there really was no alternative procedure.   Orden was napping on a cot beside Aldor when suddenly he sucked in a deep breath holding it as though it were his first in this world.   His eyes flew open, immediately fixing Orden with a hostile glare.

"I could have died!   What could you have done to save me?" he yelled, continuing to gaze angrily at the cause of his malady.

"Nothing!"   Orden replied in a tired voice, "but I'm damned please you are still with us, I was starting to fear the worst," he said with obvious relief.


"You stabbed me!   What was in that thing!"   Aldor demanded.

"I did what was necessary," Orden countered.   “The fluid in the syringe was a viral blood plasma modifier designed to increase the life expectancy and potential of short-lived carboxy species such as your own.    Even now it is reprogramming your genetic code, making it a hundred times more efficient.   It is self-replicating, and will eventually rebuild your blood, and then it will start on your muscles, bone, and other tissues.   In time, all your cells will be renewed, enhancing both your physical and mental states.   You will not develop magical powers, but your natural attributes will be greatly extended."

"I'm not sure I understand, it seems to be having the opposite effect on me."

"Give it time."   Orden continued undeterred, "I will simplify it!   In future, you will age one year, for every fifty you live.   You will be stronger healthier and faster.   Your brain capacity will increase over time, mayhap a hundredfold, mayhap more."

Aldor attempted to rise but staggered as the world spun.

"Take it easy sprout you've just slept for three days, without so much as a muscle twitch.   Your body has undergone rapid changes, and there is yet more to come.   You should rest as much as possible."

He lay back down, "What is the point of all this improvement and longevity?"

"You get to learn from past mistakes for one thing, and in addition, you get to make significant improvements and changes to the lives of ordinary people."

"But, it would take just one sure and swift cut from a blade to wipe it all out as if it had never been.   Like all men I am vulnerable, I could die tomorrow…"

"Not so sprout!   Your wounds will heal a hundred times faster, mortal wounds, though painful, would be minor distractions.   Short of cutting you into pieces and spreading them the length and breadth of the land, any physical damage will repair itself in days.   Why you could regenerate a whole limb in less than a week.   In addition, you will find that your mind is only just awakening, and starting to work, to its true potential.   You will need to sleep only one night in five.  You will experience heightened perception, senses, and speed; whilst your ability to think and learn will increase exponentially.   There really are no limits to what you could be capable of, only time will tell.   You are no longer constrained by the natural limitations of your race,” he said with a chuckle.  

"There are, no doubt, disadvantages also?"  Aldor asked.

"There is no returning to how you were, 'Ahlendore' I'm afraid is gone forever."

Aldor shook his head and smiled, "I have no quarrel with that.   I was not exactly proud of him and won’t miss him in any way.   It just seems too good to be true."

"So, what if I had offered to make you fitter, stronger, more intelligent, a super being, an immortal, better in every way, what would you have answered?"

"I would have accepted!" Aldor replied at once.

"Then, in answer to your question: in my experience, your hair will turn grey - but it can be dyed.   Your eyes will turn blue like Wizomi's."

"I always admired his blue eyes," said Aldor.

"You will become more desirable to the females of your species but, you will be unable to sire children with a normal woman."

"No children?"   His face betrayed his disappointment.

"It is not impossible just unlikely, because your genes have been altered.   You would have to find a new woman, one with similarly altered genes, an augmented woman."

"Is it possible that Genna could become such a woman?   She is certainly special enough to justify her selection…"

"Too old," Orden said, shaking his head sadly.

"She is the same age as me," he reasoned.  

"Females of your species mature earlier," Orden explained, "when Wizomi met you both it was already too late for her…"

"Then I must return to her at once, I have to get away from here, as soon as possible."  

"I can understand that desire, but first you must do something for your own protection," said Orden.   "You must create a repository for your alter ego, an artefact that will be used to focus the energy and the power of your mind."

"I really do not see the need…" Aldor began.

"YOU do not see the need?"   Orden replied, making it plain he could not accept 'No' for an answer, his eyes flecked bright with yellow and orange.   "This is not negotiable!"

(to be continued)

Copyright Len Morgan

1 comment:

  1. I think I could do with one of those injections. Certainly help to beat the bloody virus. I would certainly feel invincible.
