
Friday 4 December 2020



By Peter Woodgate 

It’s early in the dawn of time

Man’s in his infancy

Much progress in such short a span

Hides blind hypocrisy.


Our sciences, in innocence

And with an honest tenet

Look outward to the many stars

Forgotten now our planet.


How can we hope in years to come

To find the right solution

When simple comforts we enjoy

Create such vast pollution?


Not only in the substances

But in the minds of man

This cannot be the route to take

Have we ignored the plan?


We may, one day, amid the stars

Think back, yet not atone,

It’s then assuredly we’ll find

We are, indeed, alone.



 Copyright Peter Woodgate   (First published 1984)


  1. Profound thoughts Peter, but what can one man do alone? it takes an army of individuals to make a difference. But, keep plugging away and some things will change; should we get that electric car? Only £20K? Maybe when the price is halved? They've had them in Sweden since I was last there 2014. Well written, well done...

    1. God! I was last in Sweden in2004! Time flies...

  2. It is truly difficult to believe that we humans can dig ourselves out of the mess we have created. Let's hope a miracle happens because I think that's what it will take. And meanwhile, the innocent suffer.
