
Thursday 10 December 2020

Christmas Group Message

 Christmas Group Message

By Sis Unsworth

I wish all our members, happy Christmas cheer,

and hope things are better when we all meet next year.

I’ll try to keep busy with paper & pen,

and give a big thank you for help from Len.

Your ZOOM nights seem to be going so well,

I may try and join you, sometime, who can tell?

So, keep washing your hands, I know it’s a task,

but we’ll beat this virus with vaccine and masks.

Take care and stay safe, the message is plain,

and I’ll make a bread pudding when we all meet again.


Copyright Sis Unsworth


  1. Thank you Sis. Lovely complements, first of the season...

  2. Can't wait! Happy Christmas, Sis.

  3. Happy Christmas Sis, Covid has denied me 10 helpings of your famous bread pudding. Losing 7lbs is no compensation. You and I should get a jab sometime in Jan so start baking.

  4. Happy Christmas to you too Sis. Oh how I miss your lovely bread pudding and meetings at your house.

  5. Merry Christmas Sis and Phill loves your bread pudding more than he loves me, I'm certain.🙂🙃😋

  6. Happy Christmas Sis - there’s a bit of a bread pudding theme here I see! - so very much looking forward to meeting up with you and everyone again, hopefully it won’t be too much longer. Take care of your lovely self xx
