
Wednesday 4 November 2020



By Peter Woodgate 

Since lockdown

it has been a lifeline,

the RLWG,,

a lantern in the darkness,

a visit you can make from home,

tangible, within our minds,

it’s there for all to see.


Stories full of guts and gore

of romance, humour, and much more.

Muses too have filled our minds,

with thoughtful verse of many kinds,

I swear that I have loved the chat

with comments made to this and that.

It’s wonderful and kept me sane,

stopped me from going quite insane.

Of course, this blog, is not by chance,

a sudden sight, just worth a glance,

it has been crafted, without pen,

by Mr Morgan, our mate Len.

This tribute then I give to him

and raise a glass (that’s full of gin)

to say a thank you from us all,

reminding Len with this roll-call.


There’s two Bobs and a Robert too

who likes to write a nice Haiku,

Richard of the many words

and Phil who uses guns not swords.

Shelley, Dawn and Sis use verse

to capture emotions without curse.

Janet is a story teller

bends your mind like Yuri Geller.

Not to forget Sujata Narang,

who calls for girls to join her gang.

I’ll mention Bob, French that is,

a novel from him would be bliss,

and Jane, whose stories are never dull,

no despair, a glass half full.

Rosemary too will right this world,

with her verse that’s been unfurled.

Some names missing, it would seem

who’s works, as yet, we haven’t seen,

however, this may be for reasons

as varied as our yearly seasons.

Encouragement is what we need

to observe the final bloom from seed

and so, I offer up this rhyme,

acknowledging lots of their time

that Len and others have all made

to haul us out from lockdown’s shade

and finally, to lift the gloom,

Chris will show us all, with ZOOM.


Copyright Peter Woodgate



  1. A wonderful tribute and one that is well deserved. Thank you Len, I hope you will keep the blog going. I will continue to send you stories because we are writers and our work is meant to be read. Stories spoken out loud by amateur actors, whilst they are fun, will never compete (especially if they sound as if they are being read underwater as my computer interpreted them!)

  2. Nice one Peter, and yes, thank you Len for getting us story blogging.

  3. Thank you Peter for putting on the page/screen what I’m sure many of us in the group are thinking - our fabulous blogmeister has done a grand job in creating and constantly updating our RLWG virtual home. Really looking forward to seeing you all again soon over a mug of tea (or gin!)
