
Saturday 14 November 2020

Abalar tales ~ 5b


Abalar tales ~ 5b Mandrell

By Len Morgan

In all he told six stories that first evening and the proprietor offered him the fee he would normally have paid to Wizomi, apologising because it was not more.   The following evening, the Inn was packed moments after opening, it seemed the whole town wanted to hear stories told by Aldor from Pylodor, the new storyteller from the north.  By the end of the week, there was standing room only at the Inn, and even then places had to be booked in advance.   Genna, shrewd businesswoman that she was, negotiated a fee half as much again as what Wizomi received, plus a share of any profit in excess of that earned on their first night.   She insisted he be afforded a half-hour break between stories, to allow the audience to spend their money, and maximise profit.   When Wizomi returned, he was not put out by the boy from the north, he listened and he learned, as any good storyteller must, adding Aldor's stories and dramatic acting to his own repertoire.   When Aldor was not telling stories he, in turn, would watch, listen, and learn, from Wizomi.   Genna seized the opportunity and appointed herself manager for both artists.

“That is so typical,” said Wizomi, “I go all the way to Corvalen to talk with you and you run away from me.   Did I do something to cause offence mayhap?”

Aldor grinned.   “You still wish to talk with me.   Even after I killed a young girl and ran from my brother’s justice?”

“You would never commit such a foul act,” said Wizomi.




   They stayed in the town for eight weeks, establishing themselves and becoming financially sound in the process.   But, Wizomi never mentioned the reason for his appointment in all that time.


(To be continued)


Copyright Len Morgan